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Representation of visual landmarks in retrosplenial cortex

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Feb 05, 2020 version files 520.61 MB


The process by which visual information is incorporated into the brain’s spatial framework to represent landmarks is poorly understood. Studies in humans and rodents suggest that retrosplenial cortex (RSC) plays a key role in these computations. We developed an RSC-dependent behavioral task in which head-fixed mice learned the spatial relationship between visual landmark cues and hidden reward locations. Two-photon imaging revealed that these cues served as dominant reference points for most task-active neurons and anchored the spatial code in RSC. Presenting the same environment but decoupled from mouse behavior degraded encoding fidelity. Analyzing visual and motor responses showed that landmark codes were the result of supralinear integration. Surprisingly, V1 axons recorded in RSC showed similar receptive fields. However, they were less modulated by task engagement, indicating that landmark representations in RSC are the result of local computations. Our data provide cellular- and network-level insight into how RSC represents landmarks.