Data from: Active vision in freely moving marmosets using head-mounted eye tracking
Data files
Jan 17, 2025 version files 28.41 MB
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Our understanding of how vision functions as primates actively navigate the real-world is remarkably sparse. As most data have been limited to chaired and typically head-restrained animals, the synergistic interactions of different motor actions/plans inherent to active sensing—e.g., eyes, head, posture, movement, etc.—on visual perception are largely unknown. To address this considerable gap in knowledge, we developed an innovative wireless head-mounted eye-tracking system that performs Chair-free Eye-Recording using Backpack mounted micROcontrollers (CEREBRO) for small mammals, such as marmoset monkeys. Because eye illumination and environment lighting change continuously in natural contexts, we developed a segmentation artificial neural network to perform robust pupil tracking in these conditions. Leveraging this innovative system to investigate active vision, we demonstrate that although freely moving marmosets exhibit frequent compensatory eye movements equivalent to other primates, including humans, the predictability of the visual behavior (gaze) is higher when animals are freely moving relative to when they are head-fixed. Moreover, despite increases in eye/head-motion during locomotion, gaze stabilization remains steady because of an increase in vestibularocular reflex gain during locomotion. These results demonstrate the efficient, dynamic visuomotor mechanisms and related behaviors that enable stable, high-resolution foveal vision in primates as they explore the natural world.
README: Head eye and locomotion data- CEREBRO
The dataset belongs to the article "Active vision in freely moving marmosets using head-mounted eye tracking". The dataset has (a) eye position ,(b) head rotations and (c) locomotion data of a freely behaving animal wearing CEREBRO. Details of the system and results can be found in the article mentioned above.
Description of the data and file structure
The data is in form of a MATLAB readable .mat file. The data structures is as follows:
- SyncBox = synchronization start times for Neurologger, CEREBRO, Calibration faces stimuli for chaired marmoset, moving stimuli for chaired marmoset, flashing dots stimuli for chaired marmoset, orientation grating stimuli for chaired marmoset, end of chaired phase, Optitrack onset, IR On , IR Off. (unit = seconds)
- eye_deg = eye position (unit = degrees)
- eye_degV= eye velocity (unit = degrees/sec)
- eye_isSac_chair= events when the animal is chaired (unit = logical)
- eye_isSac_free= events when the animal is freely moving (unit = logical)
- eye_time=timestamps for each eye data sample.
- fs_eye= sampling frequency of the eye data. (unit = Hz)
- fs_opti=sampling frequency of the motion tracking system OptiTrack. (unit = Hz)
- opti_bodySmoV= smoothed body velocity measured using OptiTrack. (unit = Hz)
- opti_bodyxyz_smo=xyz position of the body in the arena recorded using OptiTrack. (unit = cm)
- opti_Headrot_smo=smoothed head rotations of the freely moving animal. (unit = deg)
- opti_headuvwSmoV = smoothed velocity of head rotation for a freely moving animal. (unit = cm/sec)
- opti_headuvw_smo = smoothed head rotation in quaternion reference space. (units = a.u.)
- opti_isHdt= epochs when the animal makes head turns(set to 1).(unit = logical)
- opti_isLoc= epochs when the animal is moving (set to 1).(unit = logical)
- opti_time=timestamps for OptiTrack recorded data. (unit = seconds)
- opti_timeDelay = delay in the start of Optitrack from the start signal and the actual beginning of acquisition.(unit = seconds)
- opti_timeIR = time delay between start of Optitrack and the IR LED in the arena. (unit = seconds)
- t= table of start and stop times when the light is ON vs OFF in the arena. (unit = seconds)
The data presented here has eye position of the freely moving marmoset collected using custom designed head-mounted eye-tracker (CEREBRO) and the head/locomotion data which is acquired using OptiTrack system.