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Data for: Outcomes of multifarious selection on the evolution of visual signals

Data files

Mar 22, 2023 version files 4.29 MB
Oct 03, 2023 version files 4.29 MB


Multifarious sources of selection shape visual signals and can produce phenotypic divergence. Theory predicts variance in warning signals should be minimal due to purifying selection, yet polymorphism is abundant. While in some instances divergent signals can evolve into discrete morphs, continuously variable phenotypes are also encountered in natural populations. Notwithstanding, we currently have an incomplete understanding of how combinations of selection shape fitness landscapes, particularly those which produce polymorphism. We modeled how combinations of natural and sexual selection act on aposematic traits within a single population to gain insights into what combinations of selection favor the evolution and maintenance of phenotypic variation. With a rich foundation of studies on selection and phenotypic divergence, we reference the poison frog genus Oophaga to model signal evolution. Multifarious selection on aposematic traits created the topology of our model’s fitness landscape by approximating different scenarios found in natural populations. Combined, the model produced all types of phenotypic variation found in frog populations, namely monomorphism, continuous variation, and discrete polymorphism. Our results afford advances into how multifarious selection shapes phenotypic divergence, which, along with additional modelling enhancements, will allow us to further our understanding of visual signal evolution.