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CCT Transit Survey Questions and Results - Data Set

Data files

Jun 14, 2021 version files 37.55 KB


The Colville Confederated Tribes (CCT) is a large reservation (1.4 million acres) the size of Connecticut with slightly under 10,000 enrolled tribal members in 2021. Six small towns, rural HUD subdivisions and isolated homes create severe problems for access to transportation, especially for elderly, youth, economically distressed, and physically challenged populations. The design and operation of tribal transit on reservations represents a new phase in tribal transportation since 2008. In the rush to create transit systems, tribal transit planning has not always fully involved tribal members and citizens in system design, nor have there always been surveys to identify transportation issues and demand, and to assess the potential user views toward different types of transit. This project represents efforts to develop and carry out citizen awareness and involvement in the needs, issues and opportunities of transit for the CCT, and developed and carried out a comprehensive survey to create data that will support the final design and implementation of tribal transit for the Colville Confederated Tribes.