Glucose transporter expression and regulation following a fast in the ruby-throated hummingbird, Archilochus colubris
Data files
Oct 06, 2020 version files 68.03 KB
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This dataset is the raw normalised arbitrary intensity of Western blots of GLUT1, GLUT2, GLUT3, and GLUT5 from either whole-tissue homogenates ("ffGLUTdata_cell.csv") or plasma-membrane fractions ("ffGLUTdata_pm.csv") of the flight muscle, heart, and liver of fed or fasted ruby-throated hummingbirds. Each antibody band has been normalised to the corresponding total-protein stain (Sypro Ruby Red) using BioRad ImageLab software. "BirdID" refers to the internal numbering scheme for each unique hummingbird. "Blot" refers to unique immunoblot membranes.
RScripts that were used process this data into mixed-effects models, estimate the model means, and plot the output are also provided ("GLUT ANALYSIS v2.R")
Data are also provided for the analysis of circulating sugars and metabolite concentrations with the R script entitled "ff2018 Metabolomics.R".
Usage notes
Please make sure to have all R libraries loaded in the order they are presented in. Please note the the R scripts are not self-executable and are designed for use with R-Studio.