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Data for: Imaging the short-lived hydroxyl-hydronium pair in ionized liquid water


The radiolysis of water is ubiquitous in nature and plays a critical role in numerous biochemical and technological applications. Although the elementary reaction pathways for the ionized water have been studied, the short-lived intermediate complex and structural dynamic response after the proton transfer reaction remain poorly understood. Using liquid-phase ultrafast electron diffraction technique to measure the intermolecular O··O and O··H bonds, we captured the short-lived radical-cation complex OH(H3O+) that was formed within 140 femtoseconds through a direct oxygen-oxygen bond contraction and proton transfer, followed by the radical-cation pair dissociation and the subsequent structural relaxation of water within 250 femtoseconds. These measurements provide direct evidence of capturing this metastable radical-cation complex before separation, thereby improving our fundamental understanding of elementary reaction dynamics in ionized liquid water.