Data needed for macroecological analyses are difficult to compile and often hidden away in supplementary material under non-standardized formats. Phylogenies, range data, and trait data often use conflicting taxonomies and require ad hoc decisions to synonymize species or fill in large amounts of missing data. Furthermore, most available data sets ignore the large impact that humans have had on species ranges and diversity. Ignoring these impacts can lead to drastic differences in diversity patterns and estimates of the strength of biological rules. To help overcome these issues, we assembled PHYLACINE, The Phylogenetic Atlas of Mammal Macroecology. This taxonomically integrated platform contains phylogenies, range maps, trait data, and threat status for all 5,831 known mammal species that lived since the last interglacial (~130,000 years ago until present). PHYLACINE is ready to use directly, as all taxonomy and metadata are consistent across the different types of data, and files are provided in easy-to-use formats. The atlas includes both maps of current species ranges and present natural ranges, which represent estimates of where species would live without anthropogenic pressures. Trait data include body mass and coarse measures of life habit and diet. Data gaps have been minimized through extensive literature searches and clearly labelled imputation of missing values. The PHYLACINE database will be archived here as well as hosted online so that users may easily contribute updates and corrections to continually improve the data. This database will be useful to any researcher who wishes to investigate large scale ecological patterns. Previous versions of the database has already provided valuable information and have for instance shown that megafauna extinctions caused substantial changes in vegetation structure and nutrient transfer patterns across the globe. All data and metadata provided here represent PHYLACINE Version 1.2.0.
This text contains the metadata describing the purpose, construction, and data of PHYLACINE Version 1.2.0. Definitions for all the variables and values found in the constituent data of PHYLACINE are located here. Please read this metadata file carefully and in its entirety before attempting any analyses.
This spreadsheet contains trait data for all 5831 species of mammals that lived during the last ~130,000 years including both extant and extinct species. This data includes body mass, island endemicity, threat status, and rough measures of life habit and diet.
This spreadsheet contains synonymies between the species used in PHYLACINE Version 1.2.0, previous versions of this database, and other popular databases like EltonTraits and IUCN. It also contains information on the phylogenetic placement of species in PHYLACINE. Only the 5831 species considered valid in PHYLACINE Version 1.2.0 are included.
This spreadsheet contains synonymies between the species used in PHYLACINE Version 1.2.0, previous versions of this database, and other popular databases like EltonTraits and IUCN. It also contains information on the phylogenetic placement of species in PHYLACINE. Unlike Synonymy_table_valid_species_only, this spreadsheet also contains species that were not accepted in PHYLACINE Version 1.2.0 but are accepted in other databases like EltonTraits and IUCN.
This nexus file contains the dated phylogeny of all 5831 mammal species that lived during the last ~130,000 years including both extant and extinct species. 1000 individual trees are included in the phylogeny to capture uncertainties in branching times and topology.
This nexus file contains the dated phylogeny of 4253 mammal species that lived during the last ~130,000 years including both extant and extinct species. Unlike the Complete_phylogeny, this phylogeny only includes the 4253 mammal species that could be placed phylogenetically through genetic data or unambiguous taxonomic constraints. 1000 individual trees are included in the phylogeny to capture uncertainties in branching times and topology.
This file contains rasters of the current geographic ranges for all 5831 mammal species that lived during the last ~130,000 years including both extant and extinct species.
This file contains rasters of the present natural geographic ranges for all 5831 mammal species that lived during the last ~130,000 years including both extant and extinct species. Present natural ranges represent counterfactual scenarios showing where species would live today without strong anthropogenic impacts on their ranges. We stress that the present natural ranges for extinct species are not the fossil ranges where species occurred in the Pleistocene but rather where the species would be expected to occur now given today's climate.
This spreadsheet contains metadata describing the creation of range maps for all 5831 mammal species that lived during the last ~130,000 years including both extant and extinct species.
This is a color logo of the PHYLACINE database for use in presentations.
This is a black and white logo of the PHYLACINE database for use in presentations.