Data from: Inter-clonal competition over queen succession imposes a cost of parthenogenesis on termite colonies
Data files
Apr 05, 2024 version files 145.59 KB
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May 10, 2024 version files 108.46 KB
In social insect colonies, selfish behaviour due to intracolonial conflict among members can result in colony-level costs despite close relatedness. In certain termite species, queens use asexual reproduction for within-colony queen succession but rely on sexual reproduction for worker and alate production, resulting in multiple half-clones of a single primary queen competing for personal reproduction. Our study demonstrates that competition over asexual queen succession among different clone types leads to the overproduction of parthenogenetic offspring, resulting in the production of dysfunctional parthenogenetic alates. By genotyping the queens of 23 field colonies of Reticulitermes speratus, we found that clone variation in the queen population reduces as colonies develop. Field sampling of alates and primary reproductives of incipient colonies showed that overproduced parthenogenetic offspring develop into alates that have significantly smaller body sizes and much lower survivorship than sexually-produced alates. Our results indicate that while the production of earlier and more parthenogenetic eggs is advantageous for winning the competition for personal reproduction, it comes at a great cost to the colony. Thus, this study highlights the evolutionary interplay between individual-level and colony-level selection on parthenogenesis by queens.
README: Data from: Inter-clonal competition over queen succession imposes a cost of parthenogenesis on termite colonies
This dataset contains supplementary data associated with Yao et al. 2024 Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
Description of the data and file structure
This data contains dataset and R code.
The "code.Rmd" file includes R code for statistical analyses.
The "dataset.xlsx" file is divided into 8 sheets as detailed below:
- sheet "colony information"
Contains data on the collection locations and collection dates of the colonies used in the study. Columns are described below:
"colony" = data on colony IDs
"location" = data on sites where colonies were collected
"collection_date" = data on date colony was sampled (YYYY/MM/DD)
- sheet "no. of royals"
Contains the number of kings and queens in the colony. Columns are described below:
"colony" = data on colony IDs
"no_of_primary_king" = data on number of primary kings in the colony
"no_of_secondary_king" = data on number of secondary kings in the colony
"no_of_primary_queen" = data on number of primary queens in the colony
"no_of_secondary_queen" = data on number of secondary queens in the colony
- sheet "genotype of queens"
Contains genotype data for queens. Columns are described below:
"colony" = data on colony IDs
"caste" = data on caste of genotyped individuals (PQ = primary queen, SQ = secondary queen)
"Rf24_2" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rf24-2
"Rf6_1" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rf6-1
"Rf21_1" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rf21-1
"Rs15" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs15
"Rs10" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs10
"Rs78" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs78
"Rs68" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs68
"Rs02" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs02
- sheet "alleles in non-driven colonies"
Contains the list of alleles found in each non-driven colony. Columns are described below:
"colony" = data on colony IDs
"drive_level" = data on level of the clonal drive
"no_secondary_queens_genotyped" = data on number of genotyped secondary queens
"no_of_clone_types" = data on number of clone types found in the genotyped secondary queens
"no_of_individuals_of_the_most_dominant_clone_type" = data on number of individuals of the most dominant clone type
"Rf24_2" = list of alleles found in microsatellite locus Rf24-2
"Rf6_1" = list of alleles found in microsatellite locus Rf6-1
"Rf21_1" = list of alleles found in microsatellite locus Rf21-1
"Rs15" = list of alleles found in microsatellite locus Rs15
"Rs10" = list of alleles found in microsatellite locus Rs10
"Rs78" = list of alleles found in microsatellite locus Rs78
"Rs68" = list of alleles found in microsatellite locus Rs68
"Rs02" = list of alleles found in microsatellite locus Rs02
- sheet "alleles in dominant clones"
Contains the alleles found in the dominant clone type in each driven colony. Columns are described below:
"colony" = data on colony IDs
"drive_level" = data on level of the clonal drive
"no_secondary_queens_genotyped" = data on number of genotyped secondary queens
"no_of_clone_types" = data on number of clone types found in the genotyped secondary queens
"no_of_individuals_of_the_most_dominant_clone_type" = data on number of individuals of the most dominant clone type
"Rf24_2" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rf24-2 of the dominant clone type
"Rf6_1" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rf6-1 of the dominant clone type
"Rf21_1" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rf21-1 of the dominant clone type
"Rs15" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs15 of the dominant clone type
"Rs10" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs10 of the dominant clone type
"Rs78" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs78 of the dominant clone type
"Rs68" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs68 of the dominant clone type
"Rs02" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs02 of the dominant clone type
- sheet "no. of clones in SQ population"
Contains the number of kings and queens in each colony, the total weight of the queens, the number of clone types found in the secondary queen, and the number of individuals of the most dominant clone type. Columns are described below:
"colony" = data on colony IDs
"no_of_primary_king" = data on number of primary kings in the colony
"no_of_secondary_king" = data on number of secondary kings in the colony
"no_of_primary_queen" = data on number of primary queens in the colony
"no_of_secondary_queen" = data on number of secondary queens in the colony
"total_weight_of_queen" = data on total fresh weight of the queens in the colony in milligrams
"no_of_clone_types" = data on number of clone types found in the genotyped secondary queens in the colony
"no_of_clone_types" = data on number of clone types found in the genotyped secondary queens
"no_of_individuals_of_the_most_dominant_clone_type" = data on number of individuals of the most dominant clone type
- sheet "genotype of alates"
Contains genotype data for alates in pre- and post-founding population. Columns are described below:
"ID" = data on IDs of the alate
"sex" = data on sex of the alate
"stage" = data on stage of the alate"sex" = data on sex of the alate (pre_founding = alate collected from pre-founding population, post_founding = alate collected from post-founding population)
"Rf24_2" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rf24-2
"Rf6_1" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rf6-1
"Rf21_1" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rf21-1
"Rs15" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs15
"Rs10" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs10
"Rs78" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs78
"Rs68" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs68
"Rs02" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs02
"heterozygosity" = data on the heterozygosity of the alate
"parthenogenesis" = data indicating whether the alates are sexually or parthenogenetically produced (sexual = sexually-produced alate, asexual = parthenogenetically-produced alate)
- sheet "survivorship of alates"
Contains the survival time of individuals submitted to control and pathogen treatment. Columns are described below:
"ID" = data on IDs of the alate
"colony" = data on colony IDs
"sex" = data on sex of the alate
"treatment" = data on treatment group
"weight" = data on fresh weight of the alate in milligrams
"event_time" = data on the number of days from a starting point to the occurrence of death or censoring
"status" = data indicating the occurrence of death or censoring (1 = death, 0 = censoring)
"Rf24_2" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rf24-2
"Rf6_1" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rf6-1
"Rf21_1" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rf21-1
"Rs15" = genotypes of microsatellite locus Rs15
"heterozygosity" = data on the heterozygosity of the alate
"parthenogenesis" = data indicating whether the alates are sexually or parthenogenetically produced (sexual = sexually-produced alate, asexual = parthenogenetically-produced alate)
- sheet "weight of young and old SQs"
Contains the weight of the primary king and secondary queens. Columns are described below:
"colony" = data on colony IDs
"caste" = data on caste (PK = primary king, SQ = secondary queen)
"body_weight" = data on fresh weight in milligrams
- sheet "composition of founding units"
Contains the data for composition of founding units. Columns are described below:
"combination" = data on combination of founding units (M = single male, F = single female, MF = male-female pair, MM = male-male pair, MFF = single male with two females, MMF = single female with two males, MFFF = single male with three females, MMFF = two males and two females)
"number_of_colony" = data on number of colonies found in the experiment
Sharing/Access information
This data is described in:
- Yao et al. 2024 Inter-clonal competition over queen succession imposes a cost of parthenogenesis on termite colonies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
All analyses were performed using R version 4.2.3.
(a) Clonal drive in queen population
We collected 175 colonies with kings and queens of R. speratus in pine or Japanese cedar forests in Kyoto, Shiga, Wakayama, Nagano, and Chiba, Japan from May to September 2017–2019. All termites were extracted from the nest within 10 days of collection, and the phenotypes of kings and queens (primary or secondary) and the number of each were recorded. The data were included in sheets “colony information” and “no. of royals”. Of the 175 total colonies, 28 were used for the genotyping analyses. Twenty secondary queens were randomly selected from each colony and stored at −80°C for genotyping. Primary queens were found in four of the colonies and were also stored for genotyping. The genotyping data were included in sheet “genotype of SQs”. Of the 28 colonies used for the genotyping analysis, 23 were used for taking queen weight measurements. Termites in the 23 colonies were extracted from the nest within 2 days of collection, and fresh weights of secondary queens were measured to the nearest 0.1 mg. Prior research has established that the total weight of queens, rather than the total number of queens, is a more accurate indicator of colony size. Therefore, the total weight of queens was used to analyse the correlation between the indicator of colony size and the degree of clonal drive. The data were included in sheet “no. of clones in SQ population”.
To investigate whether the frequency of certain alleles at specific loci increases in the secondary queen population from colonies dominated by a single clone type in queens, we conducted Fisher's exact test with Bonferroni correction. To compile the dataset for this analysis, we first defined a colony as a driven colony if over 90% of the genotyped secondary queens were composed of a single clone, which was then classified as the dominated clone type. Five colonies met this criterion (180626F, 180605I, 180721A, 180605L, 180609A). Colonies not meeting this criterion were categorized as non-driven colonies. Secondly, we listed the alleles found in each non-driven colony (sheet “alleles in non-driven colonies”), representing the alleles present in the primary queens of these colonies. Thirdly, to investigate the frequency of each allele present before the occurrence of clonal drive, we counted the number of each allele found in non-driven colonies for this analysis. If only one allele was detected at a locus, it means that the primary queens was homozygous for that allele, and therefore, that allele was double counted. Fourthly, we recorded the alleles of the dominated clone type in each driven colony (sheet "alleles in dominated clones"), and the count of each allele was used for the analysis.
(b) Parthenogenetically-produced alates in the field
(i) Sampling of dealates walking on the ground
We collected a pre-foundation population of R. speratus by traps. Each trap consisted of a plastic board (210 × 297 mm), a guiding wall (50 mm height), and four sticky traps (16 × 80 × 90 mm). The sticky trap, which has openings on all sides, was attached at each edge of the guiding wall. The guiding wall of this trap was set for leading dealates walking on the plastic board into the sticky traps. Fifty traps (a total of 200 sticky traps) were set haphazardly on the ground of an open forest of pine trees with grassy areas in Hieidaira, Kyoto, Japan, from 5 to 7 May 2015 during the swarming season of R. speratus. A massive synchronized flight was observed only on May 5th in this study site. On 7 May 2015, we brought all traps back to the laboratory and collected all the dealates from the sticky traps. The head width (the maximum distance across compound eyes) of each sample was measured under a stereoscope (Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) using a digital imaging system (FLVFS-LS; Flovel, Tokyo, Japan). Since the condition of the sticky trap samples varied among individuals, we measured head width as a stable body size indicator. The dealates were stored at −80°C for the following microsatellite analysis. Then, we analysed the genotypes of each individual for all eight microsatellite loci analysed. The data were included in sheet “genotype of alates”.
(ii) Sampling of dealates after colony foundation
We collected a post-foundation population of R. speratus from experimentally buried brown rotten pine wood pieces which were suitable for termite nesting material. The pine wood was cut into pieces of approximately 20W × 40D × 10H cm size, autoclaved, and half-buried in the ground at the same site on April 28, 2015. On May 14, 2015, which was 9 days after the mating flight, all the buried pine wood was excavated and transported to the laboratory. The pine wood was meticulously dissected to extract founding units. We determined the sex of each individual by examining the morphology of the terminal abdominal sterna under a microscope. The individuals were placed separately in a collection tube (1.5 mL) and stored at −25ºC. Then, we analysed the genotypes of each individual for the eight microsatellite loci. The data were included in sheet “genotype of alates”.
(c) Survivorship of sexually- and parthenogenetically-produced alates
Three colonies (colonies A−C) containing alates were collected from pine or Japanese cedar forests in Kyoto, Japan, just before the swarming season in 2016. These colonies were maintained at 20°C to keep alates from swarming until the experiment started. Just before the experiment, each colony was transferred to a room at 28°C, and alates stimulated by high temperature emerged from their chambers in wood. Alates were then separated by sex and maintained in Petri dishes lined with a moist unwoven cloth, and used for the experiments within a day of the flight. We used 40 males and 40 females randomly chosen from each of the three colonies. After removing the wings from the alates, we measured their fresh weight and used them in the following experiment. The wings of each individual were preserved in a test tube containing 99.5% ethanol. Then, we analysed the genotypes of each individual using the wings for four microsatellite loci.
To compare viability and immunity levels between sexually-produced alates and parthenogenetically-produced alates, we investigated the survivorship of alates both with and without exposure to the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (source: National Institute of Technology Evaluation Biological Resource Centre, NBRC31961) that occurs with the termites in nature. Each termite was randomly assigned to one of the two treatments. See Text S1 for the methods of pathogen treatment. In the control treatment without the pathogen, the alates were individually exposed to a conidia-free 0.025% Tween 20 solution (without pathogen). After exposure to a conidia-free solution, termites were placed individually in a well of a 24-well plate (COSTAR®3526, Corning Inc. NY) lined with filter paper moistened with distilled water. The plates were maintained at 25ºC in darkness and checked every day for 30 days to investigate alate survival. The data were included in sheet “survivorship of alates”.