Rethinking Gloger’s Rule: climate, light environments and color in a large family of tropical birds (Furnariidae)
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Nov 10, 2020 version files 8.48 MB
We gathered 23,588 georeferenced locality records (mean = 79.4 records/species, range = 1:786) representing all furnariid species. We obtained the locality records from three general sources: specimens, audio recordings, and observational records. Specimen records were obtained from ORNIS ( Audio records were obtained from Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds (Cornell Lab of Ornithology) and Xeno‐Canto ( The coordinates of all documented records (both specimens and audio recordings) included in this study were vetted for accuracy using gazetteers. The third group of records came from observational data gathered by the eBird citizen science initiative (May 2013 release; Sullivan et al. 2009), which are extensively vetted by expert review ( To further ensure accuracy, we applied additional filters to the observational records. For each species, we then thinned all localities so that no two localities occurred within 1 km of each other, the resolution of the climatic data, except for species represented by 10 or fewer localities.
For each locality record, we extracted elevation and 19 bioclimatic variables from the BioClim database of present‐day climatic conditions (Hijmans et al. 2005) and obtained each variable's mean value for all species.