Belowground plant competition: Uncoupling root response strategies of peas
Data files
May 21, 2024 version files 22.40 KB
Belowground plant competition was shown to induce varying responses, from increases to decreases in root biomass allocation or in directional root placement. Such inconsistencies could result from the fact that root allocation and directional growth were seldom studied together, even though they might represent different strategies. Moreover, variations in belowground responses might be due to different size hierarchies between plants, but this hypothesis was not studied previously. In a greenhouse rhizobox experiment, we examined the way both root allocation and directional root placement of Pisum sativum are affected by the size and density of Festuca glauca neighbors, and by nutrient distribution. We found that root allocation of P. sativum increased with the density and size of F. glauca. In contrast, directional root placement was unaffected by neighbor size and either increased toward or away from neighbors when nutrients were patchily or uniformly distributed, respectively. These results demonstrate that directional root placement under competition is contingent on the distribution of soil resources. Interestingly, our results suggest that root allocation and directional placement might be uncoupled strategies that simultaneously provide stress tolerance and spatial responsiveness to neighbors, thus highlighting the importance of measuring both when studying belowground plant competition.
README: Belowground plant competition: uncoupling root response strategies of peas
Raw data used in the analyses and figures included in the paper.
Description of the data and file structure
The dataset contains a table with:
* Rhizobox ID: ID number of the rhizobox and target Pisum sativum plant.
* Block number: number of the block, according to which the plants were arranged on the experimental benches (eight treatment combinations per block).
* Soil nutrient distribution: a fixed factor with two treatments (Patchy vs. Uniform nutrient distribution).
* Neighbor size: a fixed factor with two treatments (Big vs. Small Festuca glauca neighbors).
* Neighbor density: a fixed factor with two treatments (Single vs. Double Festuca glauca neighbors).
* Shoot biomass: a response variable of dry biomass of the shoots of Pisum sativum (mg).
* Root allocation: a response variable calculated as the ratio between root and shoot dry biomass of Pisum sativum.
* Total root length: a response variable of the total length of Pisum sativum roots per rhizobox (cm).
* Directional root placement: a response variable estimated per Pisum sativum plant as the relative change in root length measured between two sections of the rhizobox.
N/A- represents unavailable data.
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