Behavioral discrimination and olfactory bulb encoding of odor plume intermittency
Data files
Apr 01, 2024 version files 4.34 GB
In order to survive, animals often need to navigate a complex odor landscape where odors can exist in airborne plumes. Several odor plume properties change with distance from the odor source, providing potential navigational cues to searching animals. Here, we focus on odor intermittency, a temporal odor plume property that measures the fraction of time odor is present at a given point within the plume and decreases with increasing distance from the odor source. We sought to determine if mice are capable of using changes in intermittency to locate an odor source. To do so, we trained mice on an intermittency discrimination task. We establish that mice can discriminate odor plume samples of low and high intermittency and that the neural responses in the olfactory bulb can account for task performance and support intermittency encoding. Modulation of sniffing, a behavioral parameter that is highly dynamic during odor-guided navigation, affects both behavioral outcomes on the intermittency discrimination task as well as neural representation of intermittency. Together, this work demonstrates that intermittency is an odor plume property that can inform olfactory search and more broadly supports the notion that mammalian odor-based navigation can be guided by temporal odor plume properties.
README: Behavioral discrimination and olfactory bulb encoding of odor plume intermittency - odor input files
- Artificial_Sniffing/ These are imaging experiments done solely in anesthetized mice. Artificial_Sniffing/odor_input_files/ These are the dynamic odor trace files, and sequences thereof, during the artificial sniffing experiments. Artificial_Sniffing/snifftraces_input_files/ These are the dynamic sniffing trace files, during the artificial sniffing experiments. Artificial_Sniffing/Data/ Recorded glomerular responses in MAT files. Artificial_Sniffing/Analysis code/ ArtificialSniffingAnalysisElife.m: MATLAB code to analyze the artificial sniffing data ArtificalSniffAverageResponses.mat and ArtificalSniffPulseResponses.mat: Tables with average responses and individual odor pulse responses
- Behavior\ These are experiments done solely in awake mice. Behavior\Stimuli\ These are the dynamic odor traces of 3 types, each in a folder: natural, binary, and synthetic Behavior\Behavior Imaging Data\ OMP-GCaMP6f and THY-GCaMP6f Folders: Recorded glomerular responses in MAT files for all animals per session Behavior\Behavior data\ Discrimination behavior to the 3 types of odor traces. Behavior\Analysis code\ BehaviorAnalysisElife.m: Main MATLAB code to analyze Behavior data BehaviorPerformance.m and ReadBehaviorData.m: codes that are called by BehaviorAnalysisElife.m to determine behavior performance and read measured data during tasks (sniffing, licking, running) BehaviorImagingAnalysisElife.m: Main MATLAB code to analyze Behavior Imaging Data BehaviorImagingData.mat: Table with parameters extracted (can be read in to skip to line 795 in code)
Description of the Data and file structure
-Several reference files
Input odor traces:
-202 values (0-255, 8 bit) for controlling the rapid olfactometer flow rate during a trial
-B=binary (0/255)
-I=intermittency (x10; 5=0.5)
-WN=white noise
-sweep=frequency sweep (start Hz_end Hz)
Input odor sequences:
-the number of lines each calling an input odor trace file and additional trial properties.
-start with "input_ODORsequence"
-Synthetic and biological ("rcr") sniff traces to drive the artificial sniffer solenoid syringe.
-name describing the function
-recorded sniff from a mouse
-1000 samples of pressure
-Matlab mat files each containing organized fluorescence traces of selected glomeruli.
-Data organized per README_ArtificialSniff_MAT_files.txt
-files organized in folders: Data/Odor/Driver/Mouse
Artificial_Sniffing/Analysis code/
Matlab m files are annotated for guidance.
-ArtificialSniffingAnalysisElife.m: MATLAB code to analyze the artificial sniffing data
-ArtificalSniffAverageResponses.mat and ArtificalSniffPulseResponses.mat: Tables with average responses and individual odor pulse responses
-organized by stimulus type
-Files described in README.txt
Behavior\Behavior Imaging Data\
-Matlab mat files each containing organized fluorescence traces of selected glomeruli.
-files organized in folders: \Driver\Mouse\Odor type & Day
Behavior\Behavior data\
-files organized in folders: Odor type\Mouse\Session Day
-Per session day: 64 Neuroplex DA files and associated 64 pupillary diameter txt files
Behavior\Analysis code\
Matlab m files are annotated for guidance.
BehaviorAnalysisElife.m: Main MATLAB code to analyze Behavior data in \Behavior Data\
BehaviorPerformance.m and ReadBehaviorData.m: codes that are called by BehaviorAnalysisElife.m to determine behavior performance and read measured data during tasks (sniffing, licking, running)
BehaviorImagingAnalysisElife.m: Main MATLAB code to analyze \Behavior Imaging Data\
BehaviorImagingData.mat: Table with parameters extracted (can be read in to skip to line 795 in code)
Sharing/Access Information
Mice were tested to see if they could discriminate different levels of odor intermittency (an odor plume property). Labview was used to run the tests. The RedShirtImaging Neuroplex and NeuroCCD system was used for concomitant optical imaging of the dorsal olfactory bulb in the head-fixed mice. Half the mice expressed G-CamP6f in olfactory receptor neurons, the other half in post-synaptic mitral/tufted cells. Matlab was used to analyze the behavioral and neural glomerular data. Another set of mice was similarly optically imaged under anesthesia to systematically assess neural coding across the dorsal olfactory bulbs of odor intermittency as a function of sniff rate.