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Monthly pCO2, gas transfer velocity and CO2 efflux rate in global streams and rivers (the GRADES river networks)

Data files

Sep 02, 2021 version files 4.31 GB


The datasets contain monthly partial pressure of dissolved CO2 (pCO2, µatm), gas transfer velocity (k, m d-1), and CO2 efflux rate (g C m-2 d-1) estimates for global streams and rivers in both comma separated values (csv) and GeoTIFF formats. These datasets served as the base for monthly CO2 emission estimates for global streams and rivers and can be used to support regional terrestrial carbon balances. Original vector-version of products is based on the Global Reach–level A priori Discharge Estimates for SWOT or GRADES river networks, which have ~ 3 million individual reaches of global streams and rivers. The GeoTIFF version has a spatial resolution of approximately 0.0083º (1 km). The datasets also contain direct CO2 measurements compiled from the literature (Supplementary Data 1).