Supplements for: Review and revision of the Olivoidea (Neogastropoda) from the Paleocene and Eocene of the U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain
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Numerous species of “oliviform” gastropods have been recognized in the Paleogene of the U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain, many of which have previously been allied to the “Bullia group” in the family Nassariidae, and placed in a variety of poorly-defined genera. We review these species, revise their generic and familial placement, and present a phylogenetic analysis. Of 19 species considered valid, all are assigned to Olivoidea, six to Olividae -- one to Oliva, five to Agaronia -- and the rest to Ancillariidae. The highly variable species Ancillaria altile Conrad, 1832 is referred in the genus Ancillopsis and appears to have evolved anagenetically over an interval of more than 15 million years. Ancillaria tenera Conrad, 1834a and Ancillaria scamba Conrad, 1832 are placed in the new genus Palmoliva. Monoptygma Lea, 1833 is demonstrated to belong to Ancillariidae, and to contain only a single species. Some specimens assigned to Lisbonia expansa Palmer, 1937 are split into adults assigned to Ancillopsis altilis and juveniles (together with several other species) in Anbullina elliptica (Whitfield, 1865). Coastal Plain ancillariids may have evolved from one or more species of the Cretaceous-Paleocene genus Eoancilla. We agree with previous authors who have suggested that the late Eocene species Oliva mississippiensis Conrad, 1848 is the earliest known representative of this genus and the subfamily Oliviinae, perhaps derived from a species of Agaronia. The oldest Agaronia is Lower Eocene (Ypresian).
README: Supplements for: Review and revision of the Olivoidea (Neogastropoda) from the Paleocene and Eocene of the U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain
1. Title of Dataset: Supplements for: Review and revision of the Olivoidea (Neogastropoda) from the Paleocene and Eocene of the U.S. Gulf Coast Plain.
2. Author Information
Corresponding Investigator
Name: Dr. Warren Allmon
Institution: Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York; Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
Co-investigator 1
Name: Dr. Dana Friend
Institution: Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York
3. Date of data collection: 2019-2021
4. Geographic location of data collection: U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain
5. Funding sources that supported the collection of the data: National Science Foundation
6. Recommended citation for this dataset: Allmon, W.D. & Friend, D.S. (2022), Supplements from: Review and revision of the Olivoidea (Neogastropoda) from the Paleocene
and Eocene of the U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain, Dryad, Dataset
1. Description of dataset
These data were generated to investigate the evolutionary relationships of olivoid gastropods living in the Paleocene and Eocene of the U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain. Nineteen species, representing three genera of Olividae and seven of Ancillaridae, were included along with Recent species Agaronia testacea (Lamarck, 1811) and Oliva sericea (Roding, 1798). Calipers were used to measure and code these specimens for 27 discrete characters: 10 binary, and 17 multistate. Character suites were coded to capture variation among (1) suture; (2) callus; (3) bands (including the olivoid, anterior, subsutural, and body whorl bands); (4) columella and plications; (5) ornamentation and texture; and (6) shell shape. Eoancilla was designated as the outgroup because the genus is a putative ancestor of the other ancillariids.
2. File List:
File 1 Name: Supplement 1.docx
File 1 Description: Nexus files used in phylogenetic analysis
File 2 Name: Supplement 2 morphometric data.xlsx
File 2 Description: Caliper measurements of specimens
Our preliminary phylogenetic analysis included nineteen Paleocene-Eocene species representing three genera of Olividae and seven genera of Ancillariidae. We also included the Recent species Agaronia testacea (Lamarck, 1811) and Oliva sericea (Röding, 1798) for comparison. We used type and figured material to code each species for the following discrete character suites: (1) suture; (2) callus; (3) bands (including the olivoid, anterior, subsutural, and body whorl bands); (4) columella and plications; (5) ornamentation and texture; and (6) shell shape. In instances where museum specimens were unavailable, taxa were coded using primary taxonomic figures and literature. Species were coded for 27 discrete characters, 10 binary, and 17 multistate (Table 2), that were selected to capture morphological variation among the clades and are inferred to represent homologous structures among sampled taxa. Eoancilla was designated as the outgroup because the genus is a putative ancestor of the other ancillariids (Garvie, 2013).
A parsimony analysis was conducted in PAUP* v. 4.0a147 (Swofford, 2003) using a heuristic search with 10,000 random addition sequences. TBR (tree bisection reconnection) was used for the branch-swapping algorithm with no reconnection limit, and collapsing all branches with a maximum branch length of zero. All characters were left unordered and equally weighted. Nexus files utilized are provided as Supplement 1. Values for the consistency index (CI) and retention index (RI) were recorded for the recovered trees, and bootstrap values and Bremer support were calculated using PAUP*.
1. Dimensions of data matrix for phylogenetic analysis:
# taxa: 21
# characters: 27
Character codes: 01234
missing: ?
2. Details of Phylogenetic analysis:
Weighting: all characters have equal weight
Ordering: all characters are unordered
Analysis type: Parsimony
Program: PAUP* v. 4.0a147
Search Parameters: heuristic search with 10,000 random addition sequences. Tree bisection reconnection used for the branch-swapping algorithm with no connection limit
-All branches collapsed with a branch length of zero.
DATA-SPECIFIC INFORMATION FOR: Supplement 2 morphometric data.xlsx
1. Number of variables: 12
2. Number of rows: 230
3. Variable List:
Location: Locality where specimen was collected
Case #: Number of shell out of total analyzed in study
Var1: Measurement (1) as indicated on text-fig 11, "Maximum height"
Var2: Measurement (2) as indicated on text-fig 11, "Maximum width in apertural view"
Var3: Measurement (3) as indicated on text-fig 11, "Width at posterior end of aperture"
Var4: Measurement (4) as indicated on text-fig 11, "Aperture length"
Var5: Measurement (5) as indicated on text-fig 11, "Height from posterior-most point of parietal callus"
Var6: Measurement (6) as indicated on text-fig 11, "Maximum height minus aperture length"
Var7: Measurement (7) as indicated on text-fig 11, "Maximum width of callus on ventral side"
Var8: Measurement (8) as indicated on text-fig 11, "Maximum width of aperture"
Var9: Measurement (9) as indicated on text-fig 11, "Width of anterior canal"
Var10: Measurement (10) as indicated on text-fig 11, "Maximum width from left side"
4. Missing data codes:
***: Unknown/ not available to be measured for specified shell.
5. Other relevant information:
Measurements taken on specimens using electronic calipers.
These data were generated to investigate the evolutionary relationships of olivoid gastropods living in the Paleocene and Eocene of the U.S. Gulf Coastal Plain. Nineteen species, representing three genera of Olividae and seven of Ancillaridae, were included along with Recent species Agaronia testacea (Lamarck, 1811) and Oliva sericea (Roding, 1798). Calipers were used to measure and code these specimens for 27 discrete characters: 10 binary, and 17 multistate. Character suites were coded to capture variation among (1) suture; (2) callus; (3) bands (including the olivoid, anterior, subsutural, and body whorl bands); (4) columella and plications; (5) ornamentation and texture; and (6) shell shape. Eoancilla was designated as the outgroup because the genus is a putative ancestor of the other ancillariids. Specimen measurements were made with calipers (measurements tallied in Supplement 2) and these coded character states were run in parsimony phylognetic analysis (detailed in Supplement 2). A parsimony analysis was conducted in PAUP* v. 4.0a147 (Swofford, 2003) using a heuristic search with 10,000 random addition sequences. TBR (tree bisection reconnection) was used for the branch-swapping algorithm with no reconnection limit, and collapsing all branches with a maximum branch length of zero. All characters were left unordered and equally weighted. Nexus files utilized are provided as Supplement 1. Values for the consistency index (CI) and retention index (RI) were recorded for the recovered trees, and bootstrap values and Bremer support were calculated using PAUP*.
Usage notes
Supplement 1: Word file containing character matrix and Nexus files created with PAUP v. 4.0a147; can be opened with Microsoft Word or Google Docs. PAUP*, a free program, can be used to run the character matrix under similar phylogenetic analyses. The code and parameters of the phylogenetic analysis are included in the Word file, alongside the character matrix that was used.
Supplement 2: Spreadsheet of measurements can be opened using Excel or Google Sheets.