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Canopy height distributions and estimated above-ground biomass across a tropical rain forest landscape in Costa Rica, 1992-2018


This publication presents four related data sets that describe canopy height distributions and estimated above-ground biomass across an old-growth tropical rain forest landscape at the La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, from 1992 – 2018.  One data set contains measured forest heights that were taken annually from 1999-2018 at 231 points per plot in 18 0.50 ha forest inventory plots (9 plots in 1999, 18 thereafter).  The second data set contains data from an annual evaluation of the precision (repeatability) of these forest heights measurements.  The third data set is raw data on canopy heights taken in 1992 over the same landscape on 15 100-m transects sampled every 2.5 m (Clark et al. 1996).  The fourth data set contains data on estimated above-ground biomass for all stems >10 cm diameter in the same plots as the canopy heights dataset.  The biomass data were taken annually from 1997-2018.  Together these data present the most detailed data currently available on decadal trends on estimated forest biomass and related canopy structure in old-growth tropical rain forest.