Clockor2: Inferring global and local strict molecular clocks using root-to-tip regression
Data files
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Molecular sequence data from rapidly evolving organisms are often sampled at different points in time. Sampling times can then be used for molecular clock calibration. The root-to-tip (RTT) regression is an essential tool to assess the degree to which the data behave in a clock-like fashion. Here, we introduce Clockor2, a client-side web application for conducting RTT regression. Clockor2 uniquely allows users to quickly fit local and global molecular clocks, thus handling the increasing complexity of genomic datasets that sample beyond the assumption homogeneous host populations. Clockor2 is efficient, handling trees of up to the order of 10^4 tips, with significant speed increases compared to other RTT regression applications. Although clockor2 is written as a web application, all data processing happens on the client-side, meaning that data never leaves the user's computer. Clockor2 is freely available at
README: Clockor2: Inferring global and local strict molecular clocks using root-to-tip regression
Files in this repo
- simStudy.R - R script to produce the simulation study.
- simStudyData.RData - The compressed data produced by simStudy.R. Load this file if you want to reproduce the analysis, but don't want to regenerate all the data yourself. This is a convenience file.
- testTrees.R - R script to produce the trees used as test cases for the simulation study of the clock search feature
- clockSearchWrapper.ts - TypeScript file that call the clockSearch function from the main Clockor2 repo for use in the simulation study. Further details in lines 1-9 to run. Configuration can be difficult. See (opens in new window) further the an example config.ts file.
About (opens in new window)
Welcome to the Clockor2 code base! The Clockor2 app is available at (opens in new window).
Clockor2 is a client-side web application for conducting root-to-tip (RTT) regression - the fastest and most widely used method to calibrate strict molecular clocks. See the documentation (opens in new window) for more information.
Clockor2 is open-source and licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 (opens in new window). We welcome contributions, feature requests, and bug reports. See below for a guide on developing Clockor2.
Featherstone, L. A., Rambaut, A., Duchene, S., & Wirth, W. (2023). Inferring global and local strict molecular clocks using root-to-tip regression. bioRxiv. (opens in new window)
Clockor2 is built with Create React App (opens in new window), using the Redux (opens in new window) and Redux Toolkit (opens in new window) TS template.
To get started clone the repo and install the dependencies.
git clone && cd clockor2
npm install
Start the development server for local development.
npm run start
Run test with jest (opens in new window)
npm run test
Some of the tools used by the project include:
- React - (opens in new window)
- Flowbite - (opens in new window)
- Redux - (opens in new window)
- Phylocanvas - (opens in new window)
- Plotly - (opens in new window)
- phylojs - (opens in new window)
The initial design plan:
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