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Morphometric and phylogeny data for: Morphology, variation, and systematics of the late Cambrian Laurentian dikelocephalid trilobite Walcottaspis vanhornei

Data files


These pages provide details of the taxa, characters and character states used in the phylogenetic analyses of Walcottaspis vanhornei (Walcott, 1914) and relatives in the accompanying paper.  Phylogenetic information included here provides details of characters and taxa used for both the parsimony-based and Bayesian analyses and documents levels of support of two types (Bremer and bootstrap) for the parsimony analysis. Also included here is the result of Bayesian maximum likelihood analysis that provides further support to the results of parsimony analysis. We include bivariate plots of the variance explained by each relative warp for the sclerites analyzed and morphometric measurement error analysis.