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ARU audio recordings with ruffed grouse annotations (Pennsylvania, 2020)

Data files

Sep 14, 2022 version files 2.93 GB


This dataset contains audio and annotations for ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus) drumming events.

Audio is organized into subfolders by date (4 dates) and by SD card (each of the 56 SD cards was used to record data from an AudioMoth acoustic recorder in Pennsylvania in 2020). For each day and SD card there is one 5-minute audio file. The table in the annotations folder contains presence/absence (ie 1 or 0) labels for each minute (eg 0-60 seconds, 60-120, ...) of each audio file. Additionally, the annotations folder contains subfolders with annotation text files created in raven specifying the time and frequency bounds of each annotated ruffed grouse drumming event. Audio files with zero annotations do not have an annotation .txt file, except one. The file names and directory structure of Raven annotation files and audio files are an exact match, except for the file extensions (.wav vs .Table.1.selections.txt).

This data was used to evaluate an automated recognition method designed to detect ruffed grouse drumming (Lapp et al 2022)

Lapp, S., Larkin, J., Parker, H., Larkin, J., Shaffer, D., Tett, C., McNeil, D., Fiss, C., Kitzes, J., In Review. "Automated recognition of Ruffed Grouse drumming in field recordings". Wildlife Society Bulletin.