Data from: Foraging zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) are public information users rather than conformists
Data files
Dec 28, 2020 version files 19.32 KB
Jun 04, 2021 version files 20.14 KB
Social learning enables adaptive information acquisition provided that it is not random but selective. To understand species typical decision-making and to trace the evolutionary origins of social learning, the heuristics social learners use need to be identified. Here, we experimentally tested the nature of majority influence in the zebra finch. Subjects simultaneously observed two demonstrator groups differing in relative and absolute numbers (ratios 1:2 / 2:4 / 3:3 / 1:5) foraging from two novel food sources (black and white feeders). We find that demonstrator groups influenced observers’ feeder choices (social learning), but that zebra finches did not copy the majority of individuals. Instead, observers were influenced by the pecks of their demonstrators, and in an anti-conformist fashion. These results indicate that zebra finches are not conformist, but are public information users.
Experimental data. Scored from video.