Data from: Continuous variation in an aposematic pattern affects background contrast, but is not associated with differences in microhabitat use
Data files
Dec 04, 2023 version files 379.11 KB
Variation in aposematic signals was once predicted to be rare, yet in recent years it has become increasingly well-documented. Despite increases in the frequency with which polytypism and polymorphism have been suggested to occur, population-wide variance is rarely quantified. We comprehensively sampled a subpopulation of the poison frog Oophaga sylvatica, a species which is polytypic across its distribution and also shows considerable within-population polymorphism. On one hand, color pattern polymorphism could be the result of multifarious selection acting to balance different signaling functions and leading to the evolution of discrete sub-morphs which occupy different fitness peaks. Alternatively, variance could simply be due to relaxed selection, where variation would be predicted to be continuous. We used visual modeling of conspecific and heterospecific observers to quantify the extent of within-population phenotypic variation and assess whether this variation produced distinct signals. We found that, despite considerable color pattern variation, variance could not be partitioned into distinct groups, but rather all viewers would be likely to perceive variation as continuous. Similarly, we found no evidence that frog color pattern contrast was either enhanced or diminished in the frogs’ chosen microhabitats compared to alternative patches in which conspecifics were observed. Within population phenotypic variance therefore does not seem to be indicative of strong selection towards multiple signaling strategies, but rather pattern divergence has likely arisen due to weak purifying selection, or neutral processes, on a signal that is highly salient to both conspecifics and predators.
README: Data from: Continuous variation in an aposematic pattern affects background contrast, but is not associated with differences in microhabitat use
Data used in:
Yeager & Barnett.\
Can continuous variation in a polymorphic aposematic signal represent an adaptive benefit?\
Justin Yeager & James B. Barnett
For further information contact:
Justin Yeager\
Description of the data and file structure
Data files:
01_InternalContrast_Bird.txt internal chromatic & achromatic contrast, & pattern energy from the blue tit (bird) visual model
02_InternalContrast_Snake.txt internal chromatic & achromatic contrast, & pattern energy from the coachwhip (snake) visual model
03_InternalContrast_Frog.txt internal chromatic & achromatic contrast, & pattern energy from the O. pumilio (frog) visual model
Format: tab-delimited text
Column identification:
visual_model: BlueTit (bird), Masticophis (snake), or Opumilio (frog)
species: frog species (Osylvatica)
location: location where frog was encountered (Perla)
lighting: light spectrum used in visual modelling (D65)
frog_ROI: ROI from which data was extracted (whole_frog)
frog_ID: unique code for each frog
int_col: chromatic contrast between red and black regions of the frog pattern (ΔS = hue)
int_lum: achromatic contrast between red and black regions of the frog pattern (ΔL = luminance)
patt_016: pattern energy at 16 px (0.5 mm)
patt_032: pattern energy at 32 px (1.0 mm)
patt_064: pattern energy at 64 px (2.0 mm)
patt_128: pattern energy at 128 px (4.0 mm)
patt_256: pattern energy at 256 px (8.0 mm)
Data files:
- 04_ExternalContrast_Bird.txt: external chromatic, achromatic & pattern contrast between frogs and backgrounds from the blue tit (bird) visual model
- 05_ExternalContrast_Snake.txt: external chromatic, achromatic & pattern contrast between frogs and backgrounds from the coachwhip (snake) visual model
- 06_ExternalContrast_Frog.txt: external chromatic, achromatic & pattern contrast between frogs and backgrounds from the O. pumilio (frog) visual model
Format: tab-delimited text
Column identification:
visual_model: BlueTit (bird), Masticophis (snake), or Opumilio (frog)
species: frog species (Osylvatica)
location: location where frog was encountered (Perla)
lighting: lighting spectrum used in visual modelling (D65)
frog_ROI: ROI from which data was extracted (whole_frog)
frog_ID: unique code for each frog
background_type: microhabitat comparison (local = where frog was found, alternate = where other frogs were found)
background_ID: unique code for each background
JND_col: chromatic contrast between the mean frog and mean background (ΔS = hue)
JND_lum: achromatic contrast between the mean frog and mean background (ΔL = luminance)
ABC_pat: pattern contrast between the whole frog and the whole background (ABC = area between pattern energy curves)
## ==== Thank you for your interest in our data ==== ##
In March 2020, we photographed 35 Oophaga sylvatica (Perla morph) at the private forest reserve ‘Bosque Protector la Perla’ near La Concordia, Ecuador. This represented a comprehensive survey of every individual observed in the area by a team of five experienced observers, over two days. The Perla morph is approximately 26 mm in length and is predominantly black with a red pattern that varies from small spots to larger irregular blotches, to whole patches of homogenous color. Previous work suggests that the frogs' colors have very high internal and external contrast, and that UV reflectance is minimal both from the frogs and their natural leaf litter background (Yeager and Barnett 2020).
We photographed each frog within the microhabitat where it was first observed, following methods detailed in Yeager and Barnett (2020), Yeager and Barnett (2021). In brief, each image was taken using a quartz converted UV sensitive Canon EOS 7D camera combined with a metal body NIKKOR EL 80 mm lens. As UV reflectance is negligible in this population (Yeager and Barnett 2020) we did not include UV wavelengths and only utilized images in the human visible range (400 – 700 nm). The camera was mounted on a tripod and the lens was fitted with a Baader UV-IR blocking filter that allowed transmission from 420 - 680 nm. All photographs were taken under natural ambient lighting, each image included a 10% and a 77% neutral reflectance standard, and we saved all photographs in RAW format.