African elephants address one another with individually specific calls
Data files
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Personal names are a universal feature of human language, yet few analogs exist in other species. While dolphins and parrots address conspecifics by imitating the calls of the addressee 1,2, human names are not imitations of the sounds typically made by the named individual 3. Labeling objects or individuals without relying on imitation of the sounds made by the referent radically expands the expressive power of language. Thus, if non-imitative name analogs were found in other species, this could have important implications for our understanding of language evolution. Here, we present evidence that wild African elephants address one another with individually specific calls, likely without relying on imitation of the receiver. We used machine learning to demonstrate that the receiver of a call could be predicted from the call’s acoustic structure, regardless of how similar the call was to the receiver’s vocalizations. Moreover, elephants differentially responded to playbacks of calls originally addressed to them relative to calls addressed to a different individual. Our findings offer the first evidence for individual addressing of conspecifics in elephants. They further suggest that unlike other nonhuman animals, elephants likely do not rely on imitation of the receiver’s calls to address one another.
# African elephants address one another with individually specific calls
We investigated the hypothesis that elephants address individual members
of their family group with name-like calls. We recorded contact,
greeting, and caregiving rumbles from wild African elephants in Samburu
& Buffalo Springs National Reserves, northern Kenya and Amboseli
National Park, southern Kenya, noting when possible the identity of the
caller and the identity of the receiver. We measured a suite of acoustic
features on each call and found that calls were specific to individual
receivers and receiver identity could be predicted from call structure
at better than chance levels. We also played back calls to the elephants
and found that elephants responded more quickly and vocalized more in
response to calls that were originally addressed to them compared to
calls from the same caller that were originally addressed to someone
else. These results provide the first evidence that elephants address
one another with individually specific labels.
Description of the data and file structure
“20231225_observational_data_for_upload_revision1_n469.csv” This
spreadsheet contains the associated observational behavioral data for
each call used in the analysis. Each row represents a single call, and
columns indicate the identity of the caller, the identity of the
receiver, the behavioral context, the certainty with which each of these
values were known, and other relevant information, including the file
name of the sound file in which the call occurs, the start and end times
of the call in that sound file, the file name of the Raven Pro selection
table used to annotate the sound file, and the number of the selection
box in that table corresponding to the call in question. The sound files
and Raven selection tables themselves are not included in this upload.
The full set of variables in this spreadsheet are defined in the
spreadsheet named
The derived acoustic features used in the analysis are not included in
this spreadsheet. Rather, those measurements can be calculated using the
code provided
(“20240104_vocal_labeling_code_for_upload_revision1.R”) and the
raw acoustic measurements in the .RDS file named
“20231225_acoustic_contours_for_upload_revision1_n469.rds”. Values
of “NA” in this spreadsheet indicate that the information in question
was unknown for a given observation.
This spreadsheet defines each of the variables in
“20231225_acoustic_contours_for_upload_revision1_n469.rds” This
RDS file is an R list object which contains the raw acoustic contours
measured on each call. The code provided
(“20240104_vocal_labeling_code_for_upload_revision1.R”) uses these
raw acoustic contours to calculate a suite of derived acoustic features
which are then used for subsequent statistical analyses. The list is
nested with two layers. Each outer slot represents a single call, and is
named with a unique identifier for that call, which is comprised of the
date (YYYYMMDD) and time (HHMM) of the original recording as well as the
Raven selection box number of the call in question. The inner slots
represent individual acoustic contours, each of which is a vector of
values. The acoustic contours are as follows: aenv = Hilbert amplitude
envelope aenvtime = time points (sec) for aenv (not used in analysis)
pmsband(1-26): energy in each of the 26 bands of a mel spectrogram,
calculated from 0-500 Hz. Each energy value within a given band
corresponds to one of the time points in aenvtime pmsD(1-26):
differences between successive values of the corresponding pmsband
pmsDD(1-26): differences between successive values of the corresponding
pmsD cc(1-12): the first 12 cepstral coefficient contours, calculated
from a mel spectrogram with 40 bands from 0-500 Hz. Each cepstral
coefficient value in a given contour corresponds to a particular time
point in aenvtime ccD(1-12): differences between successive values of
the corresponding cc contour ccDD(1-12): differences between successive
values of the corresponding ccD contour
The features referred to in the paper and the R code as “spectral
features” are derived from the following contours: aenv, pmsband(1-26),
pmsD(1-26), and pmsDD(1-26)
The features referred to in the paper and the R code as “cepstral
features” are derived from the following contours: aenv, cc(1-12),
ccD(1-12), and ccDD(1-12)
This file is a spreadsheet containing the observational data (caller ID,
receiver ID, etc.) together with the derived SPECTRAL acoustic features.
This spreadsheet is generated in section 4 of the code using the data
files “20231225_observational_data_for_upload_revision1_n469.csv”
and “20231225_acoustic_contours_for_upload_revision1_n469.rds”.
However, instead of recreating it de-novo the reader may skip sections
2-4 of the code and instead load this file in section 5 of the code. The
variables in this spreadsheet are all described in the file
Values of “NA” in this spreadsheet indicate that the information in
question was unknown for a given observation.
This file is a spreadsheet containing the observational data (caller ID,
receiver ID, etc.) together with the derived CEPSTRAL acoustic features.
This spreadsheet is generated in section 4 of the code using the data
files “20231225_observational_data_for_upload_revision1_n469.csv”
and “20231225_acoustic_contours_for_upload_revision1_n469.rds”.
However, instead of recreating it de-novo the reader may skip sections
2-4 of the code and instead load this file in section 5 of the code. The
variables in this spreadsheet are all described in the file
Values of “NA” in this spreadsheet indicate that the information in
question was unknown for a given observation.
“20230409_playback_data_for_upload.csv” This spreadsheet contains
the results of the playback experiment. In this experiment, wild
elephants were exposed to playbacks of a call originally addressed to
them (test) and a call from the same caller originally addressed to
someone else (control). We filmed the elephants’ responses and recorded
from the video and audio recording the latency to approach the speaker
within 10 min of the playback, the latency to vocalize within 10 min of
the playback, the latency to vigilance within 10 min of the playback,
the number of vocalizations produced within 10 min of the playback, and
the amount of time spent being vigilant in 1 min following the playback
minus the amount of time spent being vigilant in 1 min before the
playback. The variables in this spreadsheet are all listed and defined
in the spreadsheet named
Values of “NA” in this spreadsheet indicate that the information in
question could not be assessed for a given observation.
“20230409_variable_definitions_playback_data_for_upload.csv” This
spreadsheet defines each of the variables in
“20240104_vocal_labeling_code_for_upload_revision1.R” This R
script contains the code for all analyses in this study. Each section of
the code is labeled to describe what it does. This script replaces an
earlier version of the script called
“20240104_vocal_labeling_code_for_upload_revision1.R” This R
script contains the code for all the analyses in this study. Each
section of the code is labeled to describe what it does. The packages
required for the code to run are all listed in the first section. The
sections in this script are as follows:
Load the required packages for the whole script.
Code used to segment the calls from the original raw sound files and
save them as clips for further analysis. The original sound files
themselves are not included in this upload so this section cannot be
run, but it is included to illustrate how we segmented the
recordingsCode used to measure acoustic contours on the segmented sound clips.
The sound clips are not included in this upload so this section can
also not be run, but it is included to illustrate how we performed
the acoustic contour measurementsCode to derive acoustic features from the acoustic contours and
append them to the observational data. This section requires two
files that are included in this upload:
“20231225_acoustic_contours_for_upload_revision1_n469.rds”. We
ran all of our analyses twice: once with the spectral features and
once with the cepstral features (see above). Starting in this
section of the script, where it is relevant we have included lines
of code to allow the user to use either the spectral features or the
cepstral features, with comments to indicate which is which. The
code pertaining to cepstral features is currently commented out
while the code pertaining to spectral features is not. To run the
analysis with the cepstral features, the user should remove the #
in front of the relevant lines of code for using the cepstral
features, and comment out the corresponding lines for the spectral
features.Set the dataset that you wish to use for subsequent analyses
(spectral features or cepstral features)Code to calculate which calls belong to the same bout and the ranked
position of each call within its bout. Bout defined as successive
calls from the same caller in the same original raw recording with
no more than 30 sec between successive calls.Analysis to compare the mean similarity of different categories of
call pairs. Similarity is measured using random forest proximity
scores calculated with the algorithm devised by Rhodes, Cutler, and
Moon 2022. We run two comparisons: pairs of calls with the same
caller and same receiver vs. pairs of calls with the same caller and
different receivers, and pairs of calls with different callers and
the same receiver vs. pairs of calls with different callers and
different receivers.Code to add another variable to the dataset which indicates whether
a given call was “imitative” of the receiver’s calls or “not
imitative” of the receiver’s calls. This is determined by first
calculating the mean proximity score between the focal call and each
of the calls made by the receiver (meanElic1), and then calculating
the mean proximity score between each of the calls made by the focal
caller to someone other than the focal receiver and each of the
calls made by the focal receiver (meanOther). The idea is to
determine whether the focal call is more similar to the receiver’s
calls than is typical for the focal caller. If meanElic1 >
meanOther, the focal call is deemed to be more similar to the
receiver’s calls than typical for that caller, and is therefore
considered “imitative”. Otherwise, it is considered “non-imitative”.Analysis to determine if calls are more similar to the receiver’s
calls than to calls made by other individuals. We compare pairs of
calls in which the caller of one call was the receiver of the other
call to pairs of calls in which this was not the case, while
controlling for the identity of the two callers.Random forest models using the ranger package to predict receiver ID
as a function of the derived acoustic features. The models are run
with 7-fold cross validation, and each 7-fold model is run 2000x and
the classification accuracy is averaged across the 2000 runs. The
first model stratifies the cross-validation folds by caller and
receiver ID to ensure that the same number of calls from each
caller-receiver dyad are included in each fold to the extent
possible. This tests the hypothesis that receiver ID can be
predicted from call structure within a given caller. The second
model partitions the cross-validation folds such that all calls from
the same caller-receiver dyad are always included in the same fold.
This tests the hypothesis that receiver ID can be predicted from
call structure across callers.Run the same random forest models from section 10, but this time
randomly permute the acoustic feature variables so they are
uninformative. Run each model 10,000x instead of 2000x, and save the
classification accuracy from each run in a data table. This data
table will be used in the following section as a null distribution
to test the hypothesis that the corresponding model from step 10 can
predict receiver ID better than chance.Calculate a p-value for the classification accuracy of each random
forest model by comparing it to the null distribution generated in
section 11Run logistic regression model to assess the factors influencing the
probability of a call’s receiver ID being correctly/incorrectly
predicted in >95% of runs of the first random forest model in
section 10. Calls that were not correct in >95% of runs or
incorrect in >95% of runs are excluded.Calculate variable importance scores from two random forest models:
one to predict receiver ID from acoustic features and one to predict
caller ID from acoustic features. We use a conditional inference
random forest in the package party rather than using ranger to
obtain unbiased estimates of variable importance. This code
generates a table of the variable importance scores for the derived
acoustic features (Supplementary Table S2) and also calculates the
relative importance of the original acoustic contours and puts them
in a separate table (Supplementary Table S3. We only calculate
variable importance scores for the spectral features because they
are easier to interpret than the cepstral features.Code to generate histograms and boxplots illustrating the results of
the analyses in sections 7, 9, and 10 (Figs 1-3 in the main
manuscript.Code to generate figure illustrating how spectral acoustic contours
were measured (Extended Data Fig. 1)Code to generate multi-panel 3-D scatterplots showing similarity
among calls addressed to same vs. different receivers within a given
caller (Extended Data Fig. 2), and code to generate a single-panel
scatterplot showing similarity among calls addressed to the same
receiver across callers (Extended Data Fig. 3)Analysis of playback results. Models to test the hypotheses that
latency to approach, latency to vocalize, latency to vigilance,
number of vocalizations, and time spent vigilant after playback
minus before playback differ between test and control trialsCode to generate plots illustrating the results of the analyses in
section 19 (Fig. 4 in main manuscript)Code to calculate sample sizes for all the analyses in this script
Code to generate table of number of calls for each caller-receiver
pair (Supplementary Table S1)
Usage notes
Excel or similar spreadsheet program to open CSV files. R or RStudio to open and run code, and to open RDS file.
Observational dataset (.csv file): Behavioral context information for vocalizations recorded from wild African elephants in Samburu and Buffalo Springs National Reserves, Kenya between November 2019 and April 2022. Each row represents a single call and information such as identity of the caller, identity of the addressee, and behavioral context, is provided. Information is also included linking each call to the original sound file and Raven Pro selection table from which it came (but the sound files and Raven Pro selection tables are not included in this archive).
Acoustic measurements dataset (.rds file): R list object containing vectors of acoustic measurements for each call. The list is two-tiered; each outer slot corresponds to a single call, and each inner slot corresponds to an acoustic measurement, represented as a vector of numbers.
R code (.R file): Code for aligning the observational dataset with the corresponding measurements from the .RDS file and performing all statistical analyses on these data. Also includes code for figures and code for calculating the acoustic measurements from the sound files (sound files not included in this archive).
Combined dataset, spectral features (.csv file): Behavioral context information and derived spectral acoustic features. This spreadsheet can be created from the observational dataset and acoustic measurements dataset listed above using the code listed above. However, for convenience the reader may wish to skip sections 2-4 of the code and read this combined dataset into R in section 5 of the code.
Combined dataset, cepstral features (.csv file): Behavioral context information and derived cepstral acoustic features. This spreadsheet can be created from the observational dataset and acoustic measurements dataset listed above using the code listed above. However, for convenience the reader may wish to skip sections 2-4 of the code and read this combined dataset into R in section 5 of the code.
Playback experiment dataset (.csv file): results of playback experiment in which wild elephants were presented with two playbacks each: a call originally addressed to them (treatment), and a call from the same caller originally addressed to a different individual (control).