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The biome inventory – standardizing global biogeographical land units

Data files

Jun 06, 2022 version files 37.46 MB
Jul 12, 2022 version files 37.45 MB


The subdivision of the Earth's terrestrial surface into different biomes, ecozones, bio-climatic realms or other large ecological land units is an essential reference for global biogeographical and ecological studies. Various classification schemes exist. They differ significantly in terms of the considered criteria for classification and the underlying methodology of class assignments. Evident divergences between global biome concepts are elusive, weakening hereon based analyses and assumptions. Compilation and standardization are essential for obtaining a framework that enables the comparison of different products. To address this need, we created a catalogue of standardized categorial maps comprising 31 different global products based on various methodological approaches. Those were processed individually to facilitate their use in large-scale biogeographical and ecological analyses.