Data (D2H values) from: Generational shift in the migratory common noctule bat: first-year males lead the way to hibernacula at higher latitudes
Data files
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Supplementary_Table_3_D2H values noctules_Kravchenko et al
The dataset contains stable hydrogen values (D2H) (column "sample_value") in fur keratin of 413 common noctule bats (Nyctalus noctula) from Kharkiv (Ukraine). Samples were collected in winter colonies over 12 years (2004-2015). Each row is one individual. Column "sample_ID" is an ID of an individual. Columns "lat" and "long" are coordinates of Kharkiv city (sampling site). Column "sex" is sex of individuals. Column "age1" shows the age of individuals: ad - adult individuals, sad -subadult individuals (younger than one year). Column "Status" assign origin status of individuals to either 0 - regional or 1 - migratory. Column "Year3" represents the year of sample collection in a format of time in the past from the first year of the collection (-11) till the last year of the collection (0). Column "Year" is the year of sample collection.
Collection of fur samples and demographic parameters
Fur samples were obtained from the carcasses repository of the Bat Rehabilitation Center (BRC) of Feldman Ecopark (n=137) and live individuals were encountered at hibernacula or at BRC (n=276). Fur samples were taken with scissors from the interscapular region. We documented the date and place where the bat was encountered. Between 2007 and 2016, we conducted surveys of 10 hibernacula and noted the sex and age (subadult, i.e. individuals younger than 1 year, adult) of bats.
Stable isotope analysis
Stable hydrogen isotope ratios of bat fur were analysed at the Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (IZW) in Berlin as described before. Samples were dried in silver capsules over several days in a drying oven and then transferred to an autosampler. We report stable isotope ratios of non-exchangeable hydrogen in fur keratin in the delta notation (δ) as parts per thousand (‰) deviations from V-SMOW. The precision of measurements was always better than 3 ‰ (one standard deviation) for the internal keratin standards.