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CT reconstructions and 3D surface models of preserved impressions found on a Rijksmuseum terracotta sculpture

Data files

Aug 21, 2023 version files 1 GB
Oct 04, 2023 version files 1 GB


This dataset contains 3D micro Computed Tomography (CT) reconstructions (*.tiff files) and 3D surface models (Wavefront OBJ files) of preserved impressions found on the terracotta sculpture "Study for a Hovering Putto", dated between 1735 and 1750, and attributed to Laurent Delvaux (Gent, 17 January 1696 – Nivelles, 24 February 1778, Rijksmuseum, BK-NM-9352). The preserved impressions are fingermarks and toolmarks, which we analyse in the manuscript "Artist profiling using micro-CT scanning of a Rijksmuseum terracotta sculpture" by Sero et al. (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.adg6073).

Folder names correspond to the names assigned to each impression in the manuscript. Each folder contains a stack of *.tiff files and a "Segmentation.obj", which is the 3D model obtained from Otsu's segmentation method in Slicer3D. The stack of *tiff files and the 3D models can be visualized together in Slicer3D.