Data and reproducible analysis files from: Latitudinal clines in floral display associated with adaptive evolution during a biological invasion
Data files
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Premise: Flowering phenology strongly influences reproductive success in plants. Days to first flower is easy to quantify and widely used to characterize phenology, but reproductive fitness depends on the full schedule of flower production over time.
Methods: We examined floral display traits associated with rapid adaptive evolution and range expansion among thirteen populations of Lythrum salicaria, sampled along a 10-degree latitudinal gradient in eastern North America. We grew these collections in a common garden field experiment at a mid-latitude site and quantified variation in flowering schedule shape using Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) and quantitative metrics analogous to central moments of probability distributions (i.e., mean, variance, skew, and kurtosis).
Key Results: Consistent with earlier evidence for adaptation to shorter growing seasons, we found that populations from higher latitudes had earlier start and mean flowering day, on average, when compared to populations from southern latitudes. Flowering skew increased with latitude whereas kurtosis decreased, consistent with a bet-hedging strategy in biotic environments with more herbivores and greater competition for pollinators.
Conclusions: Heritable clines in flowering schedules are consistent with adaptive evolution in response to a predicted shift toward weaker biotic interactions and less variable but more stressful abiotic environments at higher latitudes, potentially contributing to rapid evolution and range expansion of this invasive species.
README: Data and analysis files from: Latitudinal clines in floral display associated with adaptive evolution during a biological invasion
Reference Information
Provenance for this README
- File name:
- Authors: Mia Akbar
- Other contributors: Dale Moskoff, Spencer C.H. Barrett, Robert I. Colautti
- Date created: 2024-05-30
Dataset Version and Release History
- Current Version:
- Number: 1.0.0
- Date: 2024-05-30
- Persistent identifier: n/a
- Summary of changes: n/a
- Embargo Provenance: n/a
- Scope of embargo: n/a
- Embargo period: n/a
Description of the data and file structure
Methodological Information
- Methods of data collection/generation: see publication for details
Data and File Overview
Summary Metrics
- Data File count: 1
- Total file size: 37 KB
- File formats: .csv
Naming Conventions
- File naming scheme: The data file within the "Data" folder has one section to its name with each separate word capitalized.
Data File List
- LythrumDisplay2008.csv
- Unpacking instructions: n/a
- Relationships between files/folders: "2_MomentsandEmergentProperties.Rmd" must be run to get the data files required for all the other .Rmd files. "3_PCoA.Rmd" produces data used in "7_TraitCorrelations.Rmd". 4_BootstrappedMeans.Rmd" produces the data required for "5_LinearModels.Rmd", "6_VisualizingClines" and "7_TraitCorrelations.Rmd".
- Recommended software/tools: RStudio 2024.05.30; R version 4.4.0
File/Folder Details
Details for: LythrumDisplay2008.csv
- Description: Initial size of Alliaria and Acer plants, plant location within the greenhouse, plant treatment and unique competition number indicating which plants were paired in pots.
Time-series floral display data for 388 plants, plant location in the garden, plant seed family and source population/latitude information, start, end and duration of flowering, final vegetative size, the first axis of a PCA characterizing the trade-off between flowering time-size, inflorescence mass and total number of flowering produced.
- Format(s): .csv
- Size(s): 34 KB
- Dimensions: 388 rows x 25 columns
- Variables:
- Num: Unique ID number for each individual plant.
- Row: Common garden block and row in which the plant was located. Numbers correspond to experimental block.
- Fam: ID code for each seed family.
- Pop: ID code for each source population.
- Lat: Latitude of origin for each source population.
- Start: the absolute start day of flowering for each plant where 1 is July 2nd, 2008.
- End: the absolute end day of flowering for each plant.
- Duration: The number of days between Start and End for each plant.
- Veg: The final vegetative stem height (cm)
- PC1: The first axis of PCA on flowering time and vegetative size at flowering characterizing a trade-off between these two traits. Low values of PC1 represent early-flowering individuals with smaller vegetative size and high values of PC1 represent late-flowering individuals with larger vegetative size. More details provided in Colautti & Barrett (2010, 2011).
- HinfW: Total reproductive biomass of harvested inflorescences (g).
- TotFlwr: Total floral display size (number of flowers).
- d0-d60: The number of flowers counted on each individual at 5 day intervals where
represented the number of flowers produced on their first day of flowering.
- Missing data codes: "NA".
Sharing/Access information
Dataset Attribution and Usage
- Dataset Title: Data for the article "Latitudinal clines in floral display associated with adaptive evolution during a biological invasion"
- Persistent Identifier: n/a
- Dataset Contributors:
- Creators: Mia Akbar, Dale Moskoff, Spencer C.H. Barrett, Robert I. Colautti
- Date of Issue: 2024-05-30
- Publisher: Queen's University
- License: Use of these data is covered by the following license:
- Title: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
- Specification:; the authors respectfully request to be contacted by researchers interested in the re-use of these data so that the possibility of collaboration can be discussed.
- Suggested Citations:
- Dataset citation: > Akbar, M., D. Moskoff, S.C.H. Barrett, and R.I. Colautti. 2024. Data for the article "Latitudinal clines in floral display associated with adaptive evolution during a biological invasion", Dryad, Dataset
- Corresponding publication: > Akbar, M., D. Moskoff, S.C.H. Barrett, and R.I. Colautti. 2024. Latitudinal clines in floral display associated with adaptive evolution during a biological invasion. American Journal of Botany. Submitted.
Additional information:
- Dates of data collection: Floral display data were collected between July 02, 2008 and September 30, 2008.
- Geographic locations of data collection: Experimental plants were grown in a common garden at the Koffler Scientific Reserve at Jokers Hill (44.03° N, 79.54° W) from 2005-2008. (see publication for more details).
Contact Information
- Name: Robert I. Colautti
- Affiliations: Department of Biology, Queen's University
- Email:
- Contributor ORCID IDs:
- Mia Akbar:
- Spencer C.H. Barrett:
- Funding sources: Funding was provided by NSERC Discovery grants to Spencer C.H. Barrett and Robert I. Colautti and an NSERC CGS-M to Mia Akbar.
Within the directory “AkbarEtAl_LythrumFloralDisplay”, there are numbered R markdown files for each part of the analysis and generation of figures.
R packages "tidyr" and "dplyr"" were used for data management. Visualizations were created using the packages "ggplot2", "virdis" and "corrplot". Statistical analyses utilized the "lmtest" and "MuMIn" packages.
Conceptual Model
"1_ConceptualModel.Rmd" contains code used to produce the contents of Box 1. We visualize representative individual and aggregated population flowering schedule curves as well as a table of equations used to calculate the central moments of each.
Characterizing Flowering Schedules
We characterize flowering schedules by taking the central moments of individuals and aggregated populations in "2_MomentsandEmergentProperties.Rmd". We additionally use a principal coordinates analysis (PCoA) to characterize individual flowering schedules based on a euclidean distance matrix and generate Figure 3 in "3_PCoA". We compute and visualize a comparative analysis of these metrics (Start, Duration, Central Moments, PCoA Axes) in "7_TraitCorrelations.Rmd".
Testing for Clines
We generate bootstrapped means and confidence intervals for the central moments of population average and aggregated flowering schedules in "4_BoostrappedMeans.Rmd" and test for significant changes with latitude in "5_LinearModels.Rmd". We visualize these results in "6_VisualizingClines.Rmd".