The two oxpecker species reveal the role of movement rates and foraging intensity in species coexistence
Data files
Oct 18, 2019 version files 11.38 KB
Observers opportunistically photographed giraffes between 2007 and 2015 during the day from the network of tracks in the woodlands of the northeast of Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe (19°00’S, 26°30’E). We retained 345 pictures featuring the full left or right side of giraffes with oxpecker on them (42% had no oxpecker). RG marked down the oxpeckers with an estimated 99% detection rate (double observer protocol; Gagnon et al. 2019). GP identified the oxpeckers to species with an estimated rate of misidentification <2% (after a two-step process; Supplementary Material S1). We only used pictures in which GP assessed that any bird in full view could have been identified given the distance and resolution of the photograph, thereby avoiding a bias towards adult oxpeckers and towards pictures with fewer identification challenges. The final sample size was 134 individual giraffes photographed between 9am and 5pm. Lastly, we located the oxpeckers on the bodies of the giraffes (abdomen, ano-genital area, back, rump, groin, head, lower leg, mane, neck, scapula, shoulder, tail, thigh, or upper leg; see Gagnon et al. 2019 for full detail).
Usage notes
RO = number of red-billed oxpeckers
YO = number of yellow-billed oxpeckers