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Data from: Population connectivity of the plating coral Agaricia lamarcki from southwest Puerto Rico

Data files

Jul 11, 2018 version files 13.20 GB


Identifying genetic connectivity and discrete population boundaries is an important objective for man- agement of declining Caribbean reef-building corals. A double digest restriction-associated DNA sequencing pro- tocol was utilized to generate 321 single nucleotide poly- morphisms to estimate patterns of horizontal and vertical gene flow in the brooding Caribbean plate coral, Agaricia lamarcki. Individual colonies (n = 59) were sampled from eight locations throughout southwestern Puerto Rico from six shallow (* 10–20 m) and two mesophotic habitats (* 30–40 m). Descriptive summary statistics (Fixation index, FST), analysis of molecular variance, and analysis through landscape and ecological associations and dis- criminant analysis of principal components estimated high population connectivity with subtle subpopulation structure among all sampling localities.