ECG and EEG stress features for: ECG and EEG based detection and multilevel classification of stress using machine learning for specified genders: A preliminary study
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Mar 29, 2023 version files 261.81 KB
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Mental health, especially stress, plays a crucial role in the quality of life. During different phases (luteal and follicular phases) of the menstrual cycle, women may exhibit different responses to stress from men. This, therefore, may have an impact on stress detection and classification accuracy of machine learning models that genders are not taken into account. However, this has never been investigated before. In addition, only a handful of stress detection devices are scientifically validated. To this end, this work proposes stress detection and multilevel stress classification models for unspecified and specified genders through ECG and EEG signals. Models for stress detection are achieved through developing and evaluating multiple individual classifiers. On the other hand, stacking technique is employed to obtain models for multilevel stress classification. ECG and EEG features extracted from 40 subjects (21 females and 19 males) were used to train and validate the models. In the low&high combined stress condition, RBF-SVM and kNN yielded the highest average classification accuracy for females (79.81%) and males (73.77%), respectively. Combining ECG and EEG, the average classification accuracy increased to at least 87.58% (male, high stress) and up to 92.70% (female, high stress). For multilevel stress classification from ECG and EEG, the accuracy for females was 62.60% and for males was 71.57%. This study shows that the difference in genders influences the classification performance for both the detection and multilevel classification of stress. The developed models can be used for both personal (through ECG) and clinical (through ECG and EEG) stress monitoring with and without taking genders into account.
ECG and EEG features were extracted while participants rest with eyes open (EO period), low-stress mental arithmetic task (AC1 period), and high-stress mental arithmetic task (AC2 period).
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