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Pollen morphology of Astragalus Sect. Eustales in Turkey

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Dec 22, 2021 version files 8.92 KB


This dataset contains data from  pollen morphology of Astragalus Sect. Eustales in Turkey described in the paper: “ KARAMAN ERKUL S, DUMAN H, ATEŞ A. (2021). Morphological and molecular evidence for a new species Astragalus oksutdagensis (Fabaceae) from Turkey, Nordic Journal of Botany, 10.1111/njb.03237.

Pollen grains trizonocolporate, radially symmetrical and isopolar at Astragalus oksutdagensis, A. flavescens and A. vestitus (A. sect. Eustales). The pollen shape of A. oksutdagensis  is subprolate (ratio P/E 1.23±0.06), polar view (P) 33,25±1,95 µm, equatorial view (E) 27.11±1.33 µm. Amb circular, ornamentation psilate-perforate at polar region, reticulate-perforate at equatorial region. Colpus thin and tall (Clg 23.72±1.34 µm, Clt 4.52±0.6 µm), operculate, operculum membrane has granulate ornamentation. Pore suboblate, Plg 8.49±0.96 µm, Plt 9.84±0.85µm. Apocolpium 12.69±2.24 µm and mezocolpium 19.58±1.62 µm.The pollen shape of A. vestitus is prolate-spheroidal (1.13±0.05), P 31.1±2.72 µm, E 27.56±1.46 µm. Amb semitriangular, ornamentation perforate.  Colpus thin and tall (Clg 24.76±2.85 µm, Clt 5.42±1.5 µm), operculate, operculum membrane has granulate ornamentation. Pore spheroidal, Plg 9.41±1.48 µm, Plt 9.29±1.18 µm. Apocolpium 11.56±1.35 µm and mezocolpium 19.16±0.9 µm. Pollen shape of  A. flavescens is subprolate (1.32±0.06), P 36.6±1.56 µm, E 27.83±1.17 µm. Amb semitriangular, ornamentation microreticulate.  Colpus thin and  tall (Clg 28.12±1.45 µm, Clt 4.13±0.78 µm), operculate, operculum membrane has granulate ornamentation. Pore suboblate,  Plg 7.9±0.83 µm, Plt 10.09±0.83 µm. Apocolpium 14.43±0.84 µm and mezocolpium 20.82±0.93 µm.