Developmental life history is associated with variation in rates of climatic niche evolution in a salamander adaptive radiation
Data files
Mar 24, 2020 version files 797.59 KB
Usage notes
The following files are included:
Desmog_24taxa11loci_concatenated.nex contains the aligned, concatenated DNA sequences for all 11 loci for single exemplars of each species. Partitions are included in a mrbayes block below the DNA sequences.
Desmog_24taxa11loci_chronogram.nex is the BEAST chronogram from the concatenated analysis. contains the phased DNA sequence alignment (nexus format) of each of the 11 loci used in the species tree analysis. Also included is starBEAST_speciestraits.txt which assigns each of the 62 individuals to one of 24 species.
Desmog_62taxa11loci_speciestree.nex is the species tree from the *BEAST species tree analysis of 11 loci for 62 individuals of 24 species.
Desmog_coords_bioclim_data.xlsx contains tab 1: latitude and longitude for localities of each species and the bioclim variables for those localities, tab 2: snout-vent length (SVL in mm), larval period, and microhabitat of each species.
Supplemental_Tables.docx contains tables S1: information on DNA loci and primers, S2: nucleotide substitution models used for each locus in analyses, and S3: specimen/sample information.