Data from: The dynamic transmission of positional information in stau-mutants during Drosophila embryogenesis.
Data files
Aug 12, 2020 version files 4.46 GB
3.81 GB
644.72 MB
Raw Figure
Images of an immunostained Drosophila embryo of the fly line stauHL54 (w;stauHL54) acquired by a Zeiss Z1 light-sheet microscope (1920*1920 pixels, 16 bits and a pixel size of 0.286 micrometer). The embryo age is 32 minutes during n.c.14. Images were taken with a W Plan Apo 20*/1.0 water immersion objective and with sequential excitation wavelengths of 638, 561, and 405 nm for Hb, Kr, and DAPI, respectively. Two z-stack of images with 1 micrometer spacing were taken from two opposite sides by rotating the embryos 180 degree.
Result Display
The image analysis results in the process of source code. Three parts including the images after combining, after projection at different angles and Hb profile extracting.
Usage notes
This dataset is a set of raw data and the processed results for reference. It could be used as an example for testing the 3D imaging analsyis code, which can be dowloaded from the corrosponding published paper.
Raw Figure
Folder 1 and 2 are two z-stack of images with 1 micrometer spacing were taken from two opposite sides by rotating the embryos 180 degree.
Result Display
Folder kfuC3: the raw images after imaging combining (Hb);
Folder Angelfigure: the raw images after projection at different angles;
Folder HbProfile: the anlysis results.
Note there are three channels in our raw data but four channels setting in source code initially, please adjust the parameters setting when running.