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Data from: Keeping pace with climate change: stage-structured moving-habitat models

Data files

Mar 04, 2014 version files 205.73 KB


Life cycles can limit the abilities of species to track changing climatic conditions. We combined age or stage structure and a moving-habitat model to explore the effects of life history on the persistence of populations in the presence of climate change. We studied four dissimilar plant species in moving patches and found that (1) population growth rates, (2) elasticities with respect to the survival (stasis and shrinkage) components of the projection matrix, and (3) the evenness of the elasticities with respect to the components of the projection matrix all decreased as we increased the translational speeds of the patches. In addition, the value of long-distance dispersal increased with patch speed for three of the four species. Our analyses confirm that rapid growth, high fecundity, and long-distance dispersal can benefit species in moving patches. Thus, species with long generation times and limited dispersal ability are especially vulnerable to habitat movement. Stage-structured moving-habitat models can easily incorporate spatial complexity and can help us predict the effects of shifting climatic conditions.