Pot-1::mCherry transgene images from: Gametes deficient for Pot1 telomere binding proteins alter levels of telomeric foci for multiple generations
Data files
Feb 04, 2021 version files 17.07 GB
These images are raw data associated with the figures for the Communications Biolgoy manuscript "Gametes deficient for Pot1 telomere binding proteins alter levels of telomeric foci for multiple generations" (Lister-Shimauchi et. al., 2020). Subjects are C. elegans containing a pot-1::mCherry transgene. Some also contain a mNeonGreen::pot-2 transgene. Most subjects are early stage embryos.
Images are of live whole worms or embryos. Embryos were mounted on 2% agarose pads and imaged live using a DeltaVision Elite microscope (Applied Precision) with a 60x Silicon oil objective lens. Whole worms were similarly mounted with the addition of levamisole for immobilization.
Fluorescent stacks of images were captured to visualize pot-1::mCherry and mNeonGreen::pot-2 transgenes. A single DIC image was also captured for each stack, focusing at the level of the central slice. Most files were aquired in semi-automated fashion, with the microscope capturing a rectangular grid of images whose boundaries were set by the user; for this reason many fields of view are empty.
Usage notes
Data are grouped into folders based on which figure panel it relates to. Data are further grouped based on genotype or generation. All images are of red fluorescence from a pot-1::mCherry transgene. Some also include green fluorescence from a mNeonGreen::pot-2 transgene. Each stack also includes a DIC image at the central focal plane.
See attached readme.rtf for additional information.