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Hummingbird blood traits track oxygen availability across space and time

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Apr 26, 2023 version files 201.31 KB


Predictable trait variation across environments suggests shared adaptive responses via repeated genetic evolution, phenotypic plasticity, or both. Matching of trait-environment associations at phylogenetic and individual scales implies consistency between these processes. Alternatively, mismatch implies that evolutionary divergence has changed the rules of trait-environment covariation. Here we tested whether species adaptation alters elevational variation in blood traits. We measured blood for 1,217 Andean hummingbirds of 77 species across a 4,600 m elevational gradient. Unexpectedly, elevational variation in hemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) was scale independent, suggesting that physics of gas exchange, rather than species differences, determine responses to changing oxygen pressure. However, mechanisms of [Hb] adjustment did show signals of species adaptation: Species at either low or high elevations adjusted cell size, whereas species at mid-elevations adjusted cell number. This elevational variation in red blood cell number-versus-size suggests that genetic adaptation to high altitude has changed how these traits respond to shifts in oxygen availability.