High-speed video recordings of Müller's larva swimming and feeding
Data files
Dec 02, 2019 version files 4.94 GB
4.94 GB
3.64 KB
These data form the basis for the paper "Large-scale ciliary reversal mediates capture of individual algal prey by Müller's larva" by George von Dassow and Christina I. Ellison, in press at Invertebrate Biology as of late 2019 (preprint on bioRxiv, doi.org/10.1101/709790). Wild-caught Müller's larva of several species of polyclad flatworm were observed swimming and feeding on unicellular algae using high-speed video. These videos document local ciliary reversal mediating prey capture, one cell at a time, by local control of fluid streams. Data consists mostly of larvae swimming in cuvettes seeded with cryptophyte algae and other prey. Some sequences show larvae tethered by suction pipette or larvae swimmng in seawater seeded with neutral fluid tracers.