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Planform change and Fundulus SNP data for small watersheds in South Mississippi and Louisiana

Data files

Apr 08, 2024 version files 399.08 MB


Fluvial geomorphic processes and the resulting patterns of landform morphogenesis affect the distribution and connectivity of habitat patches for aquatic organisms. Human alterations to fluvial geomorphic processes may affect local habitat quality and stability, and affect connectivity of habitat patches by altering the distribution, supply, and movement of landform-generating materials. This dataset examines 17 watersheds in south Mississippi and southeastern Louisiana and was used in preparation of a manuscript addressing the hypothesis that elevated planform movement, indicative of advanced fluvial erosion, would cause fragmentation among populations of a headwater specialist (Blackspotted Topminnow Fundulus olivaceus). The dataset includes numerous spatial features derived from the NHD+ dataset used in planform measurements, spatial features digitized from NAPP and NAIP aerial imagery measuring planform characteristics and dynamics, additional metrics of each watershed, and a population genetics dataset of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for multiple individuals at multiple sites per watershed. Associated code to recreate all analyses in the manuscript is provided.