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Data from: Oxidative stress experienced during early development influences the offspring phenotype


Oxidative stress (OS) experienced early in life can affect an individual’s phenotype. However, its consequences for the next generation remain largely unexplored. We manipulated the OS level endured by zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) during their development by transitorily inhibiting the synthesis of the key antioxidant glutathione (‘early-high-OS’). The offspring of these birds and control parents were cross-fostered at hatching to enlarge or reduce its brood size. Independently of parents’ early-life OS levels, the chicks raised in enlarged broods showed lower erythrocyte glutathione levels, revealing glutathione sensitivity to environmental conditions. Control (“early-low-OS”) biological mothers produced females, not males, that attained a higher body mass when raised in a benign environment (i.e. the reduced brood). In contrast, biological mothers exposed to early-life OS produced heavier males, not females, when allocated in reduced broods. Early-life OS also affected the parental rearing capacity because 12d-old nestlings raised by a foster pair with both early-high-OS members grew shorter legs (tarsus) than chicks from other groups. The results indicate that environmental conditions during development can affect early glutathione levels, which may, in turn, influence the next generation through both pre- and postnatal parental effects. The results also demonstrate that early-life OS can constrain the offspring phenotype.