AERPAW helikite spectrum monitoring at Packapalooza festival in Aug 2022
Data files
Nov 17, 2023 version files 70.14 MB
70.14 MB
2.16 KB
In this dataset, we conducted a spectrum monitoring experiment in an urban environment. The helikite flies up to an altitude of 400 feet throughout the day from noon to 9 p.m. during NC State’s Packapalooza festival in August, 2022. The spectrum is swept up to 6 GHz. Every sweep takes around 1 minute, while after every 4 measurements, the 5th measurement takes close to 5 minutes due to another data collection activity running in parallel. The photo of a flying Helikite at the experiment site is shown in the dataset image. The helikite goes up and stays at an altitude of around 400 feet and goes down around an altitude of around 70 feet four times during the whole measurement period.
README: AERPAW Helikite Spectrum Measurements at Packapalooza in Aug 2022
Spectrum monitoring dataset by a helikite in an urban area, which is measured by AERPAW.
The dataset is formatted by SigMF. Please find instructions in the readme.
MATLAB post-processing code for the dataset is attached as well.
Description of the data and file structure
- SigMF formatted power spectrum raw dataset in the folder named pow_spec
- SigMF formatted GPS logs in the folder named GPS_logs
- SigMF formatted spectrum monitoring logs in the folder named GPS_logs
- SigMF format to MATLAB format conversion Python code named ''.
- SigMF format to csv format conversion Python code named ''
Running the code
- Run '' to get the original mat format power spectrum dataset. The output files are located at '.\pow_spec\matfile'.
- Run '' to get a csv file for GPS logs. The output files are located at '.\GPS_logs\csvfile'.
- Run '' to get a csv file for spectrum monitoring logs. The output files are located at '.\GPS_logs\csvfile'.
Raw data description
- Power spectrum: Each mat file includes 'freqs'(MHz) and 'powers'(dBm). The name of the mat files represent a timestamp.
- GPS logs: There are 4 columns in the generated csv file. Columns from 1 to 4 represent longitude\, latitude\, altitude (the unit is the meter)\, timestamp (the unit is the seconds from epoch time)\, respectively.
- Spectrum monitoring logs: There is a single column in the generated csv file. The column represents the timestamp of all center frequency shifts for sweeping the spectrum.
SigMF format
This dataset is compatible with SigMF v1.0.1.
SigMF webpage:
MATLAB Post-processing code
Run Post_processing_main.m after getting the original mat format power spectrum dataset and csv format logs files.
Sharing/Access information
Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data:
Python, MATLAB