Data from: Small, but mitey: investigating the molecular genetic basis for mite domatia development and intraspecific variation in Vitis riparia using transcriptomics
Data files
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Here, we investigated the molecular genetic basis of mite domatia, structures on the underside of leaves that house mutualistic mites, and intraspecific variation in domatia size in Vitis riparia (riverbank grape).
Domatia and leaf traits were measured, and the transcriptomes of mite domatia from two genotypes of V. riparia with distinct domatia sizes were sequenced to investigate the molecular genetic pathways that regulate domatia development and intraspecific variation in domatia traits.
Key trichome regulators as well as auxin and jasmonic acid are involved in domatia development. Genes involved in cell wall biosynthesis, biotic interactions, and molecule transport/metabolism are upregulated in domatia, consistent with their role in domatia development and function.
This work is one of the first to date that provides insight into the molecular genetic bases of mite domatia. We identified key genetic pathways involved in domatia development and function, and uncovered unexpected pathways that provide an avenue for future investigation. We also found that intraspecific variation in domatia size in V. riparia seems to be driven by differences in overall leaf development between genotypes.
README: Data from: Small, but mitey: investigating the molecular genetic basis for mite domatia development and intraspecific variation in Vitis riparia using transcriptomics
Description of the data and file structure
In "Small, but mitey: investigating the molecular genetic basis for mite domatia development and intraspecific variation in Vitis riparia using transcriptomics," we investigated the molecular genetic basis of mite domatia, structures on the underside of leaves that house mutualistic mites, and intraspecific variation in domatia size in Vitis riparia (riverbank grape). We preformed RNA-sequencing on domatia and control leaf tissue from two genotypes of V. riparia with distinct domatia sizes. We also collected and analyzed phenotypic data on domatia traits and leaf shape in these two genotypes. Here, we provide data from this manuscript and the link to the GitHub repository containing the code used for analyzing these data. The data provided includes i) the domatia phenotype data, ii) the domatia ontogeny data, iii) leaf scans accompanying the domatia ontogeny data (used for leaf landmarking analyses as well), and iv) the raw gene expression counts.
Files and variables
File: domatia_ontogeny_data.csv
Description: Domatia phenotype data across leaf development to characterize domatia ontogeny. Phenotypes were measured and scored from scanned leaves. Values with "NA" represent missing data.
- plant_code: Unique plant code
- genotype: Genotype
- plant: Plant number within genotype
- sequencing_id: ID of sample if used for sequencing
- leaf: Leaf ID
- density_1: Domatia hair density at vein axil 1 (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves) scores assigned using a nine-point scale where 0 represents no hair, and 9 represents a densely packed domatium with no leaf surface visible underneath
- radius_1: Radii of domatia at vein axil 1 in millimeters (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves)
- density_2: Domatia hair density at vein axil 2 (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves) scores assigned using a nine-point scale where 0 represents no hair, and 9 represents a densely packed domatium with no leaf surface visible underneath
- radius_2: Radii of domatia at vein axil 2 in millimeters (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves)
- density_3: Domatia hair density at vein axil 3 (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves) scores assigned using a nine-point scale where 0 represents no hair, and 9 represents a densely packed domatium with no leaf surface visible underneath
- radius_3: Radii of domatia at vein axil 3 in millimeters (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves)
- density_4: Domatia hair density at vein axil 4 (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves) scores assigned using a nine-point scale where 0 represents no hair, and 9 represents a densely packed domatium with no leaf surface visible underneath
- radius_4: Radii of domatia at vein axil 4 in millimeters (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves)
- notes: Additional notes if necessary (cells are empty if no unusual observations were noted during sampling)
- leaf_width: Width of leaf in centimeters
File: domatia_phenotypes.csv
Description: Domatia phenotype data for both genotypes. Phenotypes were measured and scored from dried, pressed leaves. Values with "NA" represent missing data.
- plant_code: Unique plant code
- genotype: Genotype
- plant: Plant number within genotype
- sequencing_id: ID of sample if used for sequencing
- leaf: Leaf ID
- leaf_area (pixels): Area of leaf in pixels
- dry_mass (mg): Dry mass of leaf in milligrams
- density_1: Domatia hair density at vein axil 1 (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves) scores assigned using a nine-point scale where 0 represents no hair, and 9 represents a densely packed domatium with no leaf surface visible underneath
- radius_1: Radii of domatia at vein axil 1 in millimeters (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves)
- density_2: Domatia hair density at vein axil 2 (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves) scores assigned using a nine-point scale where 0 represents no hair, and 9 represents a densely packed domatium with no leaf surface visible underneath
- radius_2: Radii of domatia at vein axil 2 in millimeters (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves)
- density_3: Domatia hair density at vein axil 3 (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves) scores assigned using a nine-point scale where 0 represents no hair, and 9 represents a densely packed domatium with no leaf surface visible underneath
- radius_3: Radii of domatia at vein axil 3 in millimeters (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves)
- density_4: Domatia hair density at vein axil 4 (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves) scores assigned using a nine-point scale where 0 represents no hair, and 9 represents a densely packed domatium with no leaf surface visible underneath
- radius_4: Radii of domatia at vein axil 4 in millimeters (see Graham et al., 2023 Figure 1A for exact vein axils on leaves)
- notes: Additional notes (cells are empty if no unusual observations were noted during sampling)
Description: A compressed folder containing raw reads per gene counts generated by mapping RNA reads to the V. riparia genome using STAR. The file names follow the same structure: "DOM-[sequencing_id][tissue type]", with tissue type being "D" for domatia or "L" for control leaf tissue. Each individual file contains four tab-seperated columns (from left-to-right): 1)* V. riparia *gene ID, 2) counts for unstranded RNA-seq, 3) counts for the 1st read strand aligned with RNA (htseq-count option -s yes), 4) counts for the 2nd read strand aligned with RNA (htseq-count option -s reverse). Each row contains raw read counts for the gene listed in column 1. These .tab files can be viewed using standard text editing software, including Windows Notepad, TextEdit (available on macOS), or Sublime Text.
Description: A compressed folder containing the leaf scans used in this study to collect domatia ontogeny data and perform leaf landmarking analysis. The file names follow the same structure: "DOM-ONT-[genotype]-[plant].tif". These TIFF (.tif) files can be viewed using standard photo viewing software, including Windows Photo Viewer and Apple Preview.
The code used to analyze the data as described in the manuscript is available on GitHub:
Access information
Other publicly accessible locations of the data:
- RNA sequencing data from this study are provided on the NCBI Sequence Read Archive under BioProject PRJNA1083535.
See the manuscript for detailed methods used for collecting/generating and analyzing these data.