Wildlife following people: A multidisciplinary assessment of the ancient colonization of the Mediterranean Basin by a long-lived raptor
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Here, we used a multidisciplinary approach to a) reconstruct the process of colonization of the Mediterranean Basin by a long-lived bird of prey, the Bonelli’s eagle (Aquila fasciata), and b) test the hypothesis that this colonization was unintentionally favored by anatomically modern humans through a release of competition by dominant species, primarily golden eagles (A. chrysaetos). For this, we used distribution, genetics, fossils, and ecological data. Data archived in Dryad includes all genetic information (Genetic_data.xlsx) and a portion of the ecological data (Ecological_data-provinces.xlsx, Ecological_data-nuclei.xlsx, Ecological_data-GLMs.xlsx, Ecological_data-reciprocal_occupation.xlsx), while the remaining data can be accessed from a) tables included in the manuscript and b) the original sources.
README: Wildlife following people: A multidisciplinary assessment of the ancient colonization of the Mediterranean Basin by a long-lived raptor
Marcos Moleón
Email: mmoleon@ugr.es / mmoleonpaiz@hotmail.com
Suggested Citation
Moleón, Marcos; Graciá, Eva; García, Nuria José M. Gil-Sánchez, Raquel Godinho, Pedro Beja, Luís Palma, Joan Real, Antonio Hernández-Matías, A. Román Muñoz, Eneko Arrondo, José A. Sánchez-Zapata (2024) Wildlife following people: A multidisciplinary assessment of the ancient colonization of the Mediterranean Basin by a long-lived raptor [Dataset]. Dryad. https://doi.org/10.5061/dryad.qrfj6q5q4
Description of the dataset
1.1. Genetic_data.xlsx
Genotypes of Bonelli’s eagle individuals from feathers collected in 16 subpopulations across the Mediterranean Basin.
§ Pop_Code1: population code, from Hernández-Matías et al. 2013 Ecol. Monogr. 83:239-261 (Fig. 1B).
§ Pop_Code2: population code, from Mira et al. 2013 Ibis 155:485-498 (Fig. 1).
§ Subpop_Code1: subpopulation code, from Hernández-Matías et al. 2013 Ecol. Monogr. 83:239-261 (Fig. 1A); in parentheses, new codes.
§ Country: country
§ Zone: geographic zone
§ Band: geographic band
§ Coord_X: UTM coordinates for the X axis
§ Coord_Y: UTM coordinate for the Y axis
§ Individual_ID: individual identification code
§ Region: geographic region
§ Province: geographic province
§ Territory: Bonelli’s eagle’s territory name
§ (All other variables): microsatellites
2.1. Ecological_data-provinces.xlsx
§ province: province name
§ Afpairs: number of Bonelli’s eagle pairs
§ ln_Afdensity: Ln of Bonelli's eagle density (pairs/km^2)
§ Acpairs: number of golden eagle pairs
§ ln_Acdensity: Ln of golden eagle density (pairs/km^2)
§ ln_Af.Ac: Ln of ratio Bonelli’s eagle:golden eagle pairs
§ mean_HF: mean human footprint
§ ln_HF: Ln of mean human footprint
2.2. Ecological_data-nuclei.xlsx
§ nucleus_ID: breeding nucleus identification code
§ nucleus: breeding nucleus name
§ area: area of the breeding nucleus (km^2)
§ Afpairs: number of Bonelli’s eagle pairs
§ Acpairs: number of golden eagle pairs
§ Afdensity: Bonelli’s eagle pairs / 100 km^2
§ Acdensity: golden eagle pairs / 100 km^2
§ cliff: cliffs / 100 km^2
§ human: humans / 100 km^2
2.3. Ecological_data-GLMs.xlsx
§ cliff_ID: nesting cliff identification code
§ cliff: nesting cliff name
§ Af: the presence of nesting Bonelli’s eagles (yes/no)
§ Ac: the presence of nesting golden eagles (yes/no)
§ range: altitude range within a 500 m radius around the nesting cliff (m)
§ unpaved: distance from the nesting cliff to the nearest unpaved road (m)
§ paved: distance from the nesting cliff to the nearest paved road (m)
§ house: distance from the nesting cliff to the nearest isolated house (m)
§ village: distance from the nesting cliff to the nearest village (m)
2.4. Ecological_data-reciprocal_occupation.xlsx
§ cliff_ID: nesting cliff identification code
§ cliff: nesting cliff name
§ Af: the presence of nesting Bonelli’s eagles (yes/no)
§ Ac: the presence of nesting golden eagles (yes/no)
§ range: altitude range within a 500 m radius around the nesting cliff (m)
§ unpaved: distance from the nesting cliff to the nearest unpaved road (m)
§ paved: distance from the nesting cliff to the nearest paved road (m)
§ house: distance from the nesting cliff to the nearest isolated house (m)
§ village: distance from the nesting cliff to the nearest village (m)
§ columns I-M (Excel sheet for Bonelli’s eagle) and I-N (Excel sheet for golden eagle): terms of the GLM equation
§ e^N and 1+e^N: terms of the equation for calculating the reciprocal occupancy probability
§ p_Ac: the probability that a Bonelli’s eagle territory is occupied by a golden eagle pair
§ Acpair2.5km: the actual presence of golden eagle pairs within a 2.5 km radius around the Bonelli’s eagle nesting cliff (yes/no)
§ estimated_no_Acpairs: estimated number of golden eagle pairs potentially occupying the Bonelli’s eagle territory (0/1)
§ p_Af: the probability that a golden eagle territory is occupied by a Bonelli’s eagle pair
§ Afpair2.5km: the actual presence of Bonelli’s eagle pairs within a 2.5 km radius around the golden eagle nesting cliff (yes/no)
§ estimated_no_Afpairs: estimated number of Bonelli’s eagle pairs potentially occupying the golden eagle territory (0/1)