Hydroacoustic data from Inglefield Bredning Fjord, Northwest Greenland (Aug 2022 - Jul 2023): Part A
Data files
Sep 10, 2024 version files 163.84 GB
38.09 GB
3.14 KB
23.29 MB
35.84 GB
89.89 GB
Here, we archive long-term oceanographic and acoustic data from moorings deployed to the seafloor in NW Greenland (August 2022 - July 2023). The data document local biophony, geophony, and anthrophony in the glacial fjords of NW Greenland. The primary targets of acoustic monitoring are marine mammals, such as narwhals and seals, icebergs, and boats.
README: Hydroacoustic data from Inglefield Bredning Fjord, Northwest Greenland (Aug 2022 - Jul 2023): Part A
We have submitted our raw acoustic (Tracy_6230.zip, Aug_6229.zip, Sep_6229.zip) and oceanographic data (SBE37SM-RS232_03715517_2023_08_02_headers.txt), which was collected in Inglefield Bredning Fjord, Northwest Greenland; Aug 2022 - Jul 2023).
Please note that the second half of this dataset (Part B, specifically, data for Oct 2022 ~ Jul 2023 @ sensor #6229) is available at:
Description of the data and file structure
For recording sound, Soundtrap#6229 was deployed near the calving front of Bowdoin Glacier (77.67 deg N, 68.63 deg W; water depth = 192 m). SBE37SM was co-located with it and sampled every 5 mins at depth = ~170 m. Soundtrap#6230 was located in a fjord of Tracy Glacier (77.63 deg N, 67.08 deg W; water depth = 402 m). The sound recorders were programmed to store 4.5 minutes of continuous sound every 20 minutes at a sampling rate of 64 kHz.
Zipped acoustic data is stored in standard audio files (e.g., 6229.220806030000.wav), where each file name corresponds to a recorder's serial number and UTC time stamp (XXXX.YYMMDDHHmmss.wav). The CTD data (SBE37SM) is stored in a single *.txt file with a UTC time stamp.
Our data is structured in the following way:
Contains all audio files (6230.*.wav) recorded between August and November 2022 by Soundtrap#6230 at Tracy Fjord. For example,
6230.220810000000.wav - contains 4.5 minutes of acoustic amplitudes [re. Pa], like every other file.
Contains audio files recorded in August 2022 by Soundtrap#6229 at Bowdoin Fjord. For example,
6229.220810000000.wav - contains 4.5 minutes of acoustic amplitudes [re. Pa], like every other file.
Contains audio files recorded in September 2022 by Soundtrap#6229 at Bowdoin Fjord. For example,
6229.220910000000.wav - contains 4.5 minutes of acoustic amplitudes [re. Pa], like every other file.
Contains oceanographic physical variables recorded by SBE37SM between August 2022 and July 2023 near Soundtrap#6229 at Bowdoin Fjord. The variables and their units are:
Cond0S/m = Conductivity, [S/m]
Density00 = Density, [kg/m^3]
DepSM = Depth, [m]
N2satML/L = Nitrogen Saturation [ml/l]
OxsolML/L = Oxygen [ml/l]
Potemp090C = Potential Temperature, [deg C]
PrdM = Pressure, Strain Gauge [db]
Sal00 = Salinity, [SU]
Scan = sample number, [-]
SvCM = Sound Velocity [m/s]
Specc = Specific Conductance [uS/cm]
Tv290C = Temperature [ITS-90, deg C]
Acoustic data files *.sud were converted to *.wav using the free software SoundTrap Host (Release 4.0.17), which is offered at http://oceaninstruments.co.nz/downloads/(opens in new window). Data processing and visualizations were made with commercially available Matlab R2022b, Kaleidoscope Pro 5.6.2, and Raven (Lite 2.0 is openly available).
This oceanographic dataset was collected by autonomous stations deployed to the seafloor in NW Greenland (August 2022 - July 2023). It has not been processed.