Data from: Coral reef state influences resilience to acute climate-mediated disturbances
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Aim: Understand the interplay between resistance and recovery on coral reefs, and investigate dependence on pre- and post-disturbance states, to inform generalisable reef resilience theory across large spatial and temporal scales.
Location: Tropical coral reefs globally.
Time period: 1966 to 2017.
Major taxa studied: Scleratinian hard corals.
Methods: We conducted a literature search to compile a global dataset of total coral cover before and after acute storms, temperature stress, and coastal runoff from flooding events. We used meta-regression to identify variables that explained significant variation in disturbance impact, including disturbance type, year, depth, and pre-disturbance coral cover. We further investigated the influence of these same variables, as well as post-disturbance coral cover and disturbance impact, on recovery rate. We examined the shape of recovery, assigning qualitatively distinct, ecologically relevant, population growth trajectories: linear, logistic, logarithmic (decelerating), and a second-order quadratic (accelerating).
Results: We analysed 427 disturbance impacts and 117 recovery trajectories. Accelerating and logistic were the most common recovery shapes, underscoring non-linearities and recovery lags. A complex but meaningful relationship between the state of a reef pre- and post-disturbance, disturbance impact magnitude, and recovery rate was identified. Fastest recovery rates were predicted for intermediate to large disturbance impacts, but a decline in this rate was predicted when more than ~75% of pre-disturbance cover was lost. We identified a shifting baseline, with declines in both pre-and post-disturbance coral cover over the 50 year study period.
Main conclusions: We breakdown the complexities of coral resilience, showing interplay between resistance and recovery, as well as dependence on both pre- and post-disturbance states, alongside documenting a chronic decline in these states. This has implications for predicting coral reef futures and implementing actions to enhance resilience.
README: Coral reef state influences resilience to acute climate-mediated disturbances_Table S1
The dataset provides a summary of all publications included in the analysis for this study and the key statistics obtained from the studies and used in the analyses. The dataset includes details about the publication, spatial identifiers (e.g. realm, province, ecoregion) unique site code, information on the disturbance type and timing, the pre-and post-disturbance coral cover, the 5-year annual recovery rate, the recovery shape and recovery completeness classifications.
Please see details Methods in the journal article "Coral reef state influences resilience to acute climate-mediated disturbances" as published in Global Ecology and Biogeography.
Description of the data and file structure
Each column provides the following information:
Column | Detail |
Realm | All studies were assigned to an ‘ecoregion’, ‘province’ and ‘realm’ based on their spatial location in Spalding et al. (2007)’s spatial classification system for coastal and shelf waters. |
Province | All studies were assigned to an ‘ecoregion’, ‘province’ and ‘realm’ based on their spatial location in Spalding et al. (2007)’s spatial classification system for coastal and shelf waters. |
Ecoregion | All studies were assigned to an ‘ecoregion’, ‘province’ and ‘realm’ based on their spatial location in Spalding et al. (2007)’s spatial classification system for coastal and shelf waters. |
Unique study identifier | Unique identifiers for the lowest sampling unit in the dataset. In cases where there were data for different regions, reefs, islands/atolls, sites, reef zones, depths, and/or multiple disturbances within a publication or time-series, data from these publications were divided into separate ‘studies’. |
Publication/Dataset | Unique identifiers for the publication or dataset (generally the surname of the first author followed by the year of publication). |
Publication title | Title of the publication or dataset from which the data were sourced. |
Publication year | Year the publication from the which the data were sourced was published. |
Country/Territory | Name of the country or location from which the data came. |
Site latitude | Latitude of the study site from where the data came. |
Site longitude | Longitude of the study site from where the data came. |
Disturbance type | Classification of disturbance: Temperature stress, Cyclone/ severe storm, Runoff or Multiple. |
Disturbance.year | Year of the disturbance. |
Mean coral cover pre-disturbance | Pre-disturbance coral cover as extracted from the publication or dataset as the closest data point prior to disturbance. If there is an NA value in this column then there was no pre-disturbance data available and a measure of impact was not calculated. |
Mean coral cover post-disturbance | Post-disturbance coral cover as extracted from the publication or dataset as the closest data point prior to disturbance. If there is an NA value in this column then there was no pre-disturbance data available and a measure of impact was not calculated. |
Impact (lnRR) | Impact measure: the log response ratio of pre- to post-disturbance percentage coral cover. If there is an NA value in this column then there was no pre-disturbance data available and a measure of impact was not calculated. |
Time-averaged recovery rate | Recovery rate as percentage coral cover per year in the approximate 5-year time window following disturbance. See main Methods text in manuscript for more detail. If there is an NA value in this column then the available time-series following disturbance did not satisfy the criteria for inclusion in the calculation of recovery rate. |
Recovery shape | Recovery shape category: linear, accelerating, decelerating, logistic, flatline or null. If there is an NA value in this column then the available time-series following disturbance did not satisfy the criteria for inclusion in classification of recovery shape. |
Recovery completeness | Recovery completeness category: complete recovery – coral is observed to reach its pre-disturbance coral cover, signs of recovery – a positive trajectory but not reaching pre-disturbance cover in the time period examined, undetermined – no clear pattern in recovery, the null model was the top model, no recovery – the null model was the top model but the linear model had slope and standard error in slope near zero and further decline – the top model had a negative trend. If there is an NA value in this column then the available time-series following disturbance did not satisfy the criteria for inclusion in classification of recovery shape. |
Reference | Source for the data. |
Sharing/Access information
Data was derived from the following sources:
Appendix 1. Full list of references providing the data used in impact and recovery analyses supporting Table S1
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The dataset provides a summary of all studies included in the analysis and the key statistics obtained from the studies and used in the analyses for the manuscript entitled "Coral reef state influences resilience to acute climate-mediated disturbances" as published in Global Ecology and Biogeography. The dataset includes details about the publication, spatial identifiers (e.g. realm, province, ecoregion) unique site code, information on the disturbance type and timing, the pre-and post-disturbance coral cover, the 5-year annual recovery rate, the recovery shape and recovery completeness classifications.
Please see details Methods in the journal article "Coral reef state influences resilience to acute climate-mediated disturbances" as published in Global Ecology and Biogeography.