Stable water isotopes reveal the onset of bud dormancy in temperate trees, whereas water content is a better proxy for dormancy release
Data files
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Earlier spring growth onset in temperate forests is a visible effect of global warming and affects global water and carbon cycling. Therefore, it is crucial to accurately predict the shift in spring phenology under projected future warming. However, current phenological models lack physiological information and are rarely experimentally validated. Therefore, twig cuttings of five deciduous tree species were sampled at two climatically different sites throughout the winter of 2019/2020. Twig budburst success, thermal time to budburst, bud water content, and short-term 2H-labelled water uptake into buds were quantified to link bud dormancy status with vascular water transport efficacy. We found strong 2H-labelled water uptake into buds during leaf senescence, followed by a sharp decrease that we attributed to the initiation of dormancy. However, we did not find increasing 2H-labelled water uptake into buds with progression of winter, whereas all species showed a linear relationship between bud water content and dormancy status. Our results show that short term 2H-labelled water uptake appears to be a poor tracer of dormancy release, but could be a promising method to track dormancy induction of deciduous trees, whereas bud water content seems to be an inexpensive and more reliable indicator of dormancy release.
README: Stable water isotopes reveal the onset of bud dormancy in temperate trees, whereas water content is a better proxy for dormancy release
Provenance for this README
- Authors: Manuel G. Walde
- Other contributors: Bénédice Wenden, Isabelle Chuine, Arthur Gessler, Matthias Saurer and Yann Vitasse
- Date created: 2023-07-21
- Date modified: 2023-07-21
Dataset Version and Release History
- Current Version:
- Number: 1.0.0
- Date: 2023-07-21
- Persistent identifier: n/a
- Summary of changes: n/a
- Embargo Provenance: n/a
- Scope of embargo: n/a
- Embargo period: n/a
Dataset Attribution and Usage
- Dataset Title: Data for the article "Tracking water isotope flow into buds of temperate trees reveals the onset of endodormancy but not dormancy release"
- Persistent Identifier:
- Dataset Contributors:
- Creators: Manuel G. Walde
- Date of Issue: 2023-07-21
- Publisher: n/a
- License: Use of these data is covered by the following license:
- Title: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0)
- Specification:; the authors respectfully request to be contacted by researchers interested in the re-use of these data so that the possibility of collaboration can be discussed.
- Suggested Citations:
- Dataset citation: > Walde, Manuel Gabriel ( 2024). Stable water isotopes reveal the onset of bud dormancy in temperate trees, whereas water content is a better proxy for dormancy release [Dataset]. Dryad.
- Corresponding publication: > n/a
Contact Information
- Name: Manuel G. Walde
- Affiliations: Research Unit Forest Dynamics, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)
- Email:
- Alternative Contact: PI
- Name: Yann Vitasse
- Affiliations: Research Unit Forest Dynamics, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL)
- Email:
Additional Dataset Metadata
- Funding sources: This research was supported by the WSL internal innovative project funding (research grant no. 201909N1836) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (research grant no. 315230_192712)
Dates and Locations
- Dates of data collection: Experimental data derived between September 2019 and March 2021 from twigs sampled in local forests and exposed to different conditions in climate chambers at WSL.
- Geographic locations of data collection: Origin of samples: near Zurich (see publication for more details)
Methodological Information
- Methods of data collection/generation: see manuscript for details
Data and File Overview
Summary Metrics
- File count: 4
- Total file size: 189 KB
- File formats: .txt
Table of Contents
- Dormancy Track.txt
- Stable_Isotopes.txt
- Stable_Isotopes_TwigvsBuds.txt
- Temperature
File/Folder Details
Details for: Dormancy Track.txt
- Description: a tab-delimited file containing experimental data. The file is currently formatted for use with R but can be reformatted for other software.
- Format(s): .txt
- Size(s): 44 KB
- Dimensions: 584 rows x 12 columns
- Variables:
- Date when twigs where exposed to stable forcing conditions in climate chamber
- DOY: as day of the year
- DOY2: DOY as a running number from 01.01.2019
- Site: Sampling site of the tree cuttings
- Campaign: Sampling campaign
- Species: Species
- ID_tree: Unique identifier of the sampled tree
- Budburst: Budburst success percentage
- DAY_BB: Number of days to budburst after exposure to climate chamber
- Watercontent: Watercontent normalized to the total wet weight of the buds, i.e., a fraction between 0 and 1
- Label: Excess of label compared to the background
- Missing data codes: NA
Details for: Stable_Isotopes.txt
- Description: a tab-delimited file containing experimental data. The file is currently formatted for use with R but can be reformatted for other software.
- Format(s): .txt
- Size(s): 109 KB
- Dimensions: 712 rows x 15 columns
- Variables:
- Site: Sampling site of the tree cuttings
- Campaign: Sampling campaign
- Date: Date when twigs where exposed to stable forcing conditions in the climate chamber
- Species: Species
- ID: Unique identifier of the sampled tree
- Watercontent: Watercontent normalized to the total wet weight of the buds, i.e., a fraction between 0 and 1
- d2H: Measured isotopic composition hydrogen
- I: modelled intercept for calibration
- s: modelled slope for calibration
- d18O: Measured isotopic composition oxygen
- d2H_new: modelled d2H from d18O, I and s
- D2H.1: difference between d2H and d2H_new
- atom_o%: atom percent 2H measured
- atom_c%: atom percent 2H modelled
- Label: Calculated label uptake
- Missing data codes: NA
Details for: Temperature.txt
- Description: a tab-delimited file containing meteo data. The file is currently formatted for use with R but can be reformatted for other software.
- Format(s): .txt
- Size(s): 25 KB
- Dimensions: 392 rows x 6 columns
- Variables:
- Date: Date of the measurement
- min: Mimimum temperature at the givendate in °C
- mean: Average temperature at the given date in °C
- max: Maximum temperature at the given date in °C
- Site: Site of the measurement
- DoY: Day of the year of the measurement
- Missing data codes: NA
Details for: Stable_Isotopes_TwigsvsBuds.txt
- Description: a tab-delimited file containing experimental data. The file is currently formatted for use with R but can be reformatted for other software.
- Format(s): .txt
- Size(s): 11 KB
- Dimensions: 11 rows x 100 columns
- Variables:
- Site: Sampling site of the tree cuttings
- Species: Species
- d2H: Measured isotopic composition hydrogen
- Tissue: Sampled tissue
- d18O: Measured isotopic composition oxygen
- I: modelled intercept for calibration
- s: modelled slope for calibration
- d2H_corrected: modelled d2H from d18O, I and s
- atom_o%: atom percent 2H measured
- atom_c%: atom percent 2H modelled
- L.uptake: Calculated label uptake
- Missing data codes: NA