Attitudes toward seeking mental health services and use of mobile technology survey
Data files
Oct 19, 2023 version files 383.91 KB
Nov 17, 2023 version files 384.31 KB
Objective: This study aimed to understand Black American women’s attitudes toward seeking mental health services and using mobile technology to receive support for managing anxiety and depression.
Methods: A self-administered web-based questionnaire was launched in October 2019 and closed in January 2020. Women who identify as Black/African American were eligible to participate. The survey consisted of approximately 70 questions and covered topics such as attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help, acceptability of using a mobile phone to receive mental health care, and screening for anxiety and depression.
Results - Anxiety: The findings of the study (N=395) showed that younger Black women were more likely to have greater severity of anxiety than their older counterparts. Respondents were most comfortable with the use of a voice call or video call to communicate with a professional to receive support to manage anxiety in comparison to text messaging or mobile app. Younger age, higher income, and greater scores for psychological openness and help-seeking propensity increased the odds of indicating agreement with using mobile technology to communicate with a professional. Black women in the South region of the U.S. had twice the odds of agreeing to the use of mobile apps than women in the Midwest and Northeast regions.
Results - Depression: The results showed that younger Black women were more likely to have greater severity of depression than their older counterparts. The results also revealed that Black women have favorable views toward seeking mental health services. Respondents were the most comfortable with the use of voice calls or video calls to communicate with a professional to receive support for managing depression in comparison with SMS text messaging or mobile apps. The results revealed that higher help-seeking propensity increased the odds of indicating agreement with the use of voice calls and video calls to communicate with a professional to receive support for managing depression by 27% and 38%, respectively. However, no statistically significant odds ratios (all P>.05) were found between help-seeking propensity and respondents’ agreement to use mobile apps or SMS text messaging. Moderate to severe depression severity increased the odds of using mobile apps to communicate with a professional to receive support for managing depression by 43%; however, no statistically significant odds ratios existed for the other modalities. Privacy and confidentiality, communication issues (eg, misinterpreting text), and the impersonal feeling of communicating by mobile phone (eg, SMS text messaging) were the primary concerns.
Discussion: Black American women, in general, have favorable views toward the use of mobile technology to receive support to manage anxiety and depression.
Conclusion: Preferences and cultural appropriateness of resources should be assessed on an individual basis to increase the likelihood of adoption of and engagement with digital mental health interventions for management of anxiety and depression.
This README file was generated on 2023-10-04 by Dr. Terika McCall.
- Title of Dataset: Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Services and Use of Mobile Technology Survey.
- Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Terika McCall Institution: Division of Health Informatics, Department of Biostatistics, Yale School of Public Health Address: 60 College Street, New Haven, CT, 06510, United States Email:
- Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): October 2019 to January 2020
- Geographic location of data collection: United States
- Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: RO1 LM013477, T15 LM012500
- Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: None
- Links to publications that cite or use the data: <br> McCall T, Foster M, Schwartz TA. Attitudes toward seeking mental health services and mobile technology to support the management of depression among Black American women: cross-sectional survey study. J Med Internet Res. 2023 Jul 19;25:e45766. doi: 10.2196/45766. PMID: 37467027; PMCID: PMC10398364. <br> McCall T, Foster M, Tomlin HR, Schwartz TA. Black American women’s attitudes toward seeking mental health services and use of mobile technology to support the management of anxiety. JAMIA Open. 2023;6(4). doi:10.1093/jamiaopen/ooad088. PMID: 37860603; PMCID: PMC10582519.
- Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None
- Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None
- Was data derived from another source? No A. If yes, list source(s): NA
- Recommended citation for this dataset: McCall, Terika et al. (2023). Attitudes Toward Seeking Mental Health Services and Use of Mobile Technology Survey [Dataset]. Dryad.
- File List: <br> A) ASMHS_TECH_SURVEY_final.csv
- Relationship between files, if important: None
- Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None
- Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No A. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: NA i. Why was the file updated? NA ii. When was the file updated? NA
- Number of variables: 171 (not including variables removed from data file)
- Number of cases/rows: 395
- Variable List:
Question # as shown in Supplementary File 1 (OR 'DERIVED'): Variable Name : Question Label (if applicable) : Option Values; If no question #, variable is derived from another question or combination of questions
* 1 : Q2 : Do you consider yourself Hispanic or Latino? : Yes (1), No (2)
* (REMOVED FROM DATA FILE. Q1_3 = Yes for all participants.) 2 : Q1_1 : Which of the following describe you? Select all that apply: American Indian or Alaskan Native : Yes (1)
* (REMOVED FROM DATA FILE. Q1_3 = Yes for all participants.) 2 : Q1_2 : Which of the following describe you? Select all that apply: Asian : Yes (2)
* (REMOVED FROM DATA FILE. Q1_3 = Yes for all participants.) 2 : Q1_3 : Which of the following describe you? Select all that apply: Black or African American : Yes (3)
* (REMOVED FROM DATA FILE. Q1_3 = Yes for all participants.) 2 : Q1_4 : Which of the following describe you? Select all that apply: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander : Yes (4)
* (REMOVED FROM DATA FILE. Q1_3 = Yes for all participants.) 2 : Q1_5 : Which of the following describe you? Select all that apply: White : Yes (5)
* (REMOVED FROM DATA FILE. Q1_3 = Yes for all participants.) 2 : Q1_6 : Which of the following describe you? Select all that apply: Prefer Not to Answer : Yes (6)
* 3 : Q4 : What is your age? :
* (DERIVED) : Age_CAT : Not applicable : Q4 dichotomized (18-24, 25-34, 45-54, 55-64, 65+)
* (DERIVED) : Age_50_CAT : Not applicable : Q4 dichotomized (LessThan50, 50+)
* (REMOVED FROM DATA FILE. Q5 = 1 for all participants.) 4 : Q5 : Which best describes your gender? - Selected Choice : Female (1), Male (2), Gender Variant/Non-Conforming (7)
* (REMOVED FROM DATA FILE. Q5 = 1 for all participants.) 4 : Q5_3_TEXT : Which best describes your gender? - Not Listed, please specify - Text : Not Listed (3)
* (REMOVED FROM DATA FILE. See EDUCAT.) 5 : Q54 : What is the highest level of education that you have completed? : Less than high school diploma (1) Bachelors degree or higher (6)
* 6 : Q87 : Which category best describes your current annual household income (i.e., per year)? Be sure to include income from all sources, such as salary and wages, child support, interest, public assistance, and pensions. : Less than $10,000 (1),$10,000 – 24,999 (2), $25,000 – 49,999 (3), $50,000 – 100,000 (4), More than $100,000 (5)
* (DERIVED) : Income_CAT : Not applicable : Q87: 1 = 'Less than $10,000' or '$10,000 - 24,999', 2=$25,000-49,000, 3='$50,000-100,000', 4='More than $100,000'
* 7a : Q78_1 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Little interest or pleasure in doing things. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 7b : Q78_2 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 7c : Q78_3 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Trouble falling or staying asleep, sleeping too much. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 7d : Q78_4 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Feeling tired or having little energy. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 7e : Q78_5 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Poor appetite or overeating. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 7f : Q78_6 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Feeling bad about yourself or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family down. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 7g : Q78_7 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching television. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 7h : Q78_8 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed. Or the opposite; being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usual. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 7i : Q78_9 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some way. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 8 : Q82 : If you selected any problems, how difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people? : Not difficult at all (1), Somewhat difficult (2), Very difficult (3), Extremely difficult (4)
* 9a : Q83_1 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 9b : Q83_2 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Not being able to stop or control worrying. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 9c : Q83_3 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Worrying too much about different things. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 9d : Q83_4 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Trouble relaxing. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 9e : Q83_5 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Being so restless that it is hard to sit still. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 9f : Q83_6 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Becoming easily annoyed or irritable. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 9g : Q83_7 : Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems? - Feeling afraid as if something awful might happen. : Not at all (0), Several Days (1), More than half the days (2), Nearly every day (3)
* 10 : Q84 : If you selected any problems, how difficult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people? : Not difficult at all (1), Somewhat difficult (2), Very difficult (3), Extremely difficult (4)
* 11 : Q8 : There are certain problems which should not be discussed outside of one's immediate family. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1), Agree (0)
* 12 : Q9 : I would have a very good idea of what to do and who to talk to if I decided to seek professional help for psychological problems. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 13 : Q10 : I would not want my significant other (spouse, partner, etc.) to know if I were suffering from anxiety. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 14 : Q35 : I would not want my significant other (spouse, partner, etc.) to know if I were suffering from depression. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 15 : Q11 : Keeping one's mind on a job is a good solution for avoiding personal worries and concerns. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 16 : Q12 : If good friends asked my advice about a psychological problem, I might recommend that they see a professional. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 17 : Q13 : Having anxiety carries with it a burden of shame. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 18 : Q36 : Having depression carries with it a burden of shame. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 19 : Q14 : It is probably best not to know everything about oneself. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 20 : Q15 : If I were experiencing a serious psychological problem at this point in my life, I would be confident that I could find relief in psychotherapy. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 21 : Q17 : People should work out their own problems; getting professional help should be a last resort. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 22 : Q18 : If I were to experience psychological problems, I could get professional help if I wanted to. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 23 : Q19 : Important people in my life would think less of me if they were to find out that I was dealing with anxiety. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 24 : Q37 : Important people in my life would think less of me if they were to find out that I was dealing with depression. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 25 : Q20 : Psychological problems, like many things, tend to work out by themselves. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 26 : Q22 : It would be relatively easy for me to find the time to see a professional for psychological problems. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 27 : Q23 : There are experiences in my life I would not discuss with anyone. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 28 : Q24 : I would want to get professional help if I were worried or upset for a long period of time. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 29 : Q25 : I would be uncomfortable seeking professional help for anxiety because people in my social or business circles might find out about it. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 30 : Q38 : I would be uncomfortable seeking professional help for depression because people in my social or business circles might find out about it. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 31 : Q26 : Having been diagnosed with anxiety is a blot on a person's life. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 32 : Q39 : Having been diagnosed with depression is a blot on a person's life. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 33 : Q28 : There is something admirable in the attitude of people who are willing to cope with their conflicts and fears without resorting to professional help. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 34 : Q29 : If I believed I were having a mental breakdown, my first inclination would be to get professional attention. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 35 : Q30 : I would feel uneasy going to a professional because of what some people would think. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 36 : Q31 : People with strong characters can get over psychological problems by themselves and would have little need for professional help. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 37 : Q32 : I would willingly confide intimate matters to an appropriate person if I thought it might help me or a member of my family. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 38 : Q33 : Had I received treatment for anxiety, I would not feel that it ought to be “covered up.†: Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 39 : Q40 : Had I received treatment for depression, I would not feel that it ought to be “covered up.†: Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 40 : Q34 : I would be embarrassed if my neighbor saw me going into the office of a professional who deals with psychological problems. : Disagree (4), Somewhat Disagree (3), Undecided (2), Somewhat Agree (1),
* 41 : Q92 : The list below includes some of the places where people can get treatment or counseling for problems with their emotions, nerves, or mental health. During the past 12 months, did you receive any treatment or counseling for any problem you were having with your emotions, nerves, or mental health at any of the places listed below? An outpatient mental health clinic or center, The office of a private therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, or counselor that was not part of a clinic, A doctor's office that was not part of a clinicAn outpatient medical clinic, A partial day hospital or day treatment program Some other place : Yes (1), No (2), Don't Know (3), Refused (4)
* (REMOVED FROM FILE.) 42 : Q93_1 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - An outpatient mental health clinic or center : Yes (1)
* (REMOVED FROM FILE.) 42 : Q93_2 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - The office of a private therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, social worker, or counselor that was not part of a clinic : Yes (2)
* (REMOVED FROM FILE.) 42 : Q93_3 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - A doctor's office that was not part of a clinic : Yes (3)
* (REMOVED FROM FILE.) 42 : Q93_4 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - An outpatient medical clinic : Yes (4)
* (REMOVED FROM FILE.) 42 : Q93_5 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - A partial day hospital or day treatment program : Yes (5)
* (REMOVED FROM FILE.) 42 : Q93_6 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - An outpatient mental health clinic or center : Yes (6)
* (REMOVED FROM FILE.) 42 : Q93_6_TEXT : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - Some other place, please specify - Text :
* 43 : Q94 : During the past 12 months, was there any time when you needed mental health treatment or counseling for yourself but didn't get it? : Yes (1), No (2), Don't Know (3), Refused (4)
* 44 : Q95_1 : Which of these statements explain why you did not get the mental health treatment or counseling you needed? Select all that apply - You couldn't afford the cost. : Yes (1)
* 44 : Q95_2 : Which of these statements explain why you did not get the mental health treatment or counseling you needed? Select all that apply - You were concerned that getting mental health treatment or counseling might cause your neighbors or community to have a negative opinion of you. : Yes (2)"
* 44 : Q95_3 : Which of these statements explain why you did not get the mental health treatment or counseling you needed? Select all that apply - You were concerned that getting mental health treatment or counseling might have a negative effect on your job. : Yes (3)"
* 44 : Q95_4 : Which of these statements explain why you did not get the mental health treatment or counseling you needed? Select all that apply - Your health insurance does not cover any mental health treatment or counseling. : Yes (4)
* 44 : Q95_5 : Which of these statements explain why you did not get the mental health treatment or counseling you needed? Select all that apply -Your health insurance does not pay enough for mental health treatment or counseling. : Yes (5)
* 44 : Q95_6 : Which of these statements explain why you did not get the mental health treatment or counseling you needed? Select all that apply - You did not know where to go to get services. : Yes (6)
* 44 : Q95_7 : Which of these statements explain why you did not get the mental health treatment or counseling you needed? Select all that apply - You were concerned that the information you gave the counselor might not be kept confidential. : Yes (7)
* 44 : Q95_8 : Which of these statements explain why you did not get the mental health treatment or counseling you needed? Select all that apply - You were concerned that you might be committed to a psychiatric hospital or might have to take medicine. : Yes (8)"
* 44 : Q95_9 : Which of these statements explain why you did not get the mental health treatment or counseling you needed? Select all that apply - Some other reason or reasons, please specify : Yes (9)
* 44 : Q95_9_TEXT : Which of these statements explain why you did not get the mental health treatment or counseling you needed? Select all that apply - Some other reason or reasons, please specify - Text :
* 45 : Q96 : Earlier, we asked did you receive any treatment or counseling for any problem you were having with your emotions, nerves, or mental health. The response options below contain possible sources of treatment, counseling or support that were not mentioned before. During the past 12 months, did you receive any treatment or counseling for any problem you were having with your emotions, nerves, or mental health at any of the places listed below? Spiritual or religious advisor, such as a pastor, priest, rabbi, Acupuncturist or acupressurist, Chiropractor, Herbalist, In-person support group or self-help group, Online counseling (e.g., video call with therapist), Internet support group or chat room, Telephone hotline, Massage therapist, Some other place : Yes (1), No (2), Don't Know (3), Refused (4)"
* 46 : Q97_1 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - Spiritual or religious advisor, such as a pastor, priest, rabbi : Yes (1)
* 46 : Q97_2 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - Acupuncturist or acupressurist : Yes (2)
* 46 : Q97_3 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - Chiropractor : Yes (3)
* 46 : Q97_4 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - Herbalist : Yes (4)
* 46 : Q97_5 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - In-person support group or self-help group : Yes (5)
* 46 : Q97_10 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - Online counseling (e.g., video call with therapist) : Yes (10)
* 46 : Q97_7 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - Internet support group or chat room : Yes (7)
* 46 : Q97_8 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - Telephone hotline : Yes (8)
* 46 : Q97_9 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply -Massage therapist : Yes (9)
* 46 : Q97_6 : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - Some other place, please specify : Yes (6)
* 46 : Q97_6_TEXT : Where did you receive mental health treatment or counseling during the past 12 months? Select all that apply - Some other place, please specify - Text :
* 47 : Q44 : Do you currently own a mobile phone? : Yes (1), No (2)
* 48 : Q46 : On average, how often do you use your phone to send text messages? : Never (1), Less than 1 time per week (2), 1-6 times per week (3), 1-3 times per day (4), 4 or more times per day (5)
* 49 : Q91 : On average, how often do you use your phone to access mobile applications (e.g., social media apps, news apps, navigation apps, etc.) ? : Never (1), Less than 1 time per week (2), 1-6 times per week (3), 1-3 times per day (4), 4 or more times per day (5)
* 50 : Q48 : Are you able to complete video calls on your phone (e.g., FaceTime, Skype, WhatsApp, etc.)? : Yes (1), No (2)
* 51 : Q47 : On average, how often do you use your phone to complete video calls? : Never (1), Less than 1 time per week (2), 1-6 times per week (3), 1-3 times per day (4), 4 or more times per day (5)
* 52 : Q104_1 : I would feel comfortable communicating with a professional through _________ to receive help for managing anxiety. - text messaging : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 52 : Q104_2 : I would feel comfortable communicating with a professional through _________ to receive help for managing anxiety. - voice call : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 52 : Q104_3 : I would feel comfortable communicating with a professional through _________ to receive help for managing anxiety. - mobile app : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 52 : Q104_4 : I would feel comfortable communicating with a professional through _________ to receive help for managing anxiety. - video call : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 53 : Q105_1 : I would feel comfortable communicating with a professional through _________ to receive help for managing depression. - text messaging : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 53 : Q105_2 : I would feel comfortable communicating with a professional through _________ to receive help for managing depression. - voice call : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 53 : Q105_3 : I would feel comfortable communicating with a professional through _________ to receive help for managing depression. - mobile app : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 53 : Q105_4 : I would feel comfortable communicating with a professional through _________ to receive help for managing depression. - video call : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 54 : Q110_1 : Having the option to use _________ to communicate with a professional if I am dealing with anxiety would be helpful for me. - text messaging : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 54 : Q110_2 : Having the option to use _________ to communicate with a professional if I am dealing with anxiety would be helpful for me. - voice call : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 54 : Q110_3 : Having the option to use _________ to communicate with a professional if I am dealing with anxiety would be helpful for me. - mobile app : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 54 : Q110_4 : Having the option to use _________ to communicate with a professional if I am dealing with anxiety would be helpful for me. - video call : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 55 : Q111_1 : Having the option to use _________ to communicate with a professional if I am dealing with depression would be helpful for me. - text messaging : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 55 : Q111_2 : Having the option to use _________ to communicate with a professional if I am dealing with depression would be helpful for me. - voice call : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 55 : Q111_3 : Having the option to use _________ to communicate with a professional if I am dealing with depression would be helpful for me. - mobile app : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 55 : Q111_4 : Having the option to use _________ to communicate with a professional if I am dealing with depression would be helpful for me. - video call : Disagree (1), Somewhat Disagree (2), Undecided (3), Somewhat Agree (4), Agree (5)
* 56 : Q106_1 : Would having the option to use a _________ to complete an appointment with a professional increase your access to mental health services? - voice call : Yes (1), No (2)
* 56 : Q106_2 : Would having the option to use a _________ to complete an appointment with a professional increase your access to mental health services? - mobile app : Yes (1), No (2)
* 56 : Q106_3 : Would having the option to use a _________ to complete an appointment with a professional increase your access to mental health services? - video call : Yes (1), No (2)
* 57 : Q107_1 : Would having the option to use a _________ to complete an appointment save you time traveling to a professional's office? - voice call : Yes (1), No (3)
* 57 : Q107_2 : Would having the option to use a _________ to complete an appointment save you time traveling to a professional's office? - mobile app : Yes (1), No (3)
* 57 : Q107_3 : Would having the option to use a _________ to complete an appointment save you time traveling to a professional's office? - video call : Yes (1), No (3)
* 58 : Q109_1 : Would having the option to use a _________ to complete an appointment with a professional be more convenient for you than an in-person appointment? - voice call : Yes (1), No (2)
* 58 : Q109_2 : Would having the option to use a _________ to complete an appointment with a professional be more convenient for you than an in-person appointment? - mobile app : Yes (1), No (2)
* 58 : Q109_3 : Would having the option to use a _________ to complete an appointment with a professional be more convenient for you than an in-person appointment? - video call : Yes (1), No (2)
* 59 : Q65 : Do you have any concerns about using a voice call to receive mental health treatment or counseling? : Yes (1), No (2)
* 60 : Q66 : What are your concerns about using a voice call to receive mental health treatment or counseling? - TEXT :
* 61 : Q112 : Do you have any concerns about using a mobile app to receive mental health treatment or counseling? : Yes (1), No (2)
* 62 : Q113 : What are your concerns about using a mobile app to receive mental health treatment or counseling? :
* 63 : Q114 : Do you have any concerns about using a video call to receive mental health treatment or counseling? : Yes (1), No (2)
* 64 : Q115 : What are your concerns about using a video call to receive mental health treatment or counseling? :
* 65 : Q117 : Do you have any concerns about using text messaging to communicate with a professional about your mental health? : Yes (1), No (2)
* 66 : Q118 : What are your concerns about using text messaging to communicate with a professional about your mental health? :
* 67 : Q98 : Have you ever been diagnosed with anxiety? : Yes (1), No (2), Don't Know (3), Refused (4)
* 68 : Q99 : Have you ever been diagnosed with depression? : Yes (1), No (2), Don't Know (3), Refused (4)
* 69 : Q85 : Do you currently have health insurance? : Yes (1), No (2), Don't Know (3)
* 70 : Q86 : Does your health insurance pay for any type of mental health treatment or counseling services? : Yes (1), No (2), Don't Know (3)
* 71 : Q125 : Comments (Optional) :
* (DERIVED) : PHQ9_Score : Sum(Q78_1+Q78_2+Q78_3+Q78_4+Q78_5+Q78_6+Q78_7+Q78_8+Q78_9) : Sum(Q78_1+Q78_2+Q78_3+Q78_4+Q78_5+Q78_6+Q78_7+Q78_8+Q78_9)
* (DERIVED) : PHQ9_Score_CAT : Derived from PHQ9_Score and dichotomized using cutoff score of 10 : Derived from PHQ9_Score and dichotomized using cutoff score of 10 (0-9 vs. 10-27)
* (DERIVED) : PHQ9_Score_CAT7 : PHQ9_Score dichotomized (0-9 vs. 10-27) : Derived from PHQ9_Score and dichotomized using cutoff score of 7 (0-6 vs. 7-27)
* (DERIVED) : GAD7_Score : Sum(Q83_1+Q83_2+Q83_3+Q83_4+Q83_5+Q83_6+Q83_7) : Sum(Q83_1+Q83_2+Q83_3+Q83_4+Q83_5+Q83_6+Q83_7)
* (DERIVED) : GAD7_Score_CAT : GAD7_Score dichotomized (0-9 vs. 10-21) : GAD7_Score dichotomized (0-9 vs. 10-21)
* (DERIVED) : Psych_Openness : Sum (Q8+Q11+Q14+Q17+Q20+Q23+Q28+Q31) : Sum (Q8+Q11+Q14+Q17+Q20+Q23+Q28+Q31)
* (DERIVED) : Psych_Openness_CAT : Psych_Openess dichotomized (0-16 vs 17-32) : Psych_Openess dichotomized (0-16 vs 17-32)
* (DERIVED) : Help_Seeking : Sum (Q9+Q12+Q15+Q18+Q22+Q24+Q29+Q32) : Sum (Q9+Q12+Q15+Q18+Q22+Q24+Q29+Q32)
* (DERIVED) : Help_Seeking_CAT : Help_Seeking dichotomized (0-16 vs 17-32) : Help_Seeking dichotomized (0-16 vs 17-32)
* (DERIVED) : Anxiety_Stigma : Sum (Q10+Q13+Q19+Q25+Q26+Q30+Q33+Q34) : Sum (Q10+Q13+Q19+Q25+Q26+Q30+Q33+Q34)
* (DERIVED) : Anxiety_Stigma_CAT : Anxiety_Stigma dichotomized (0-16 vs 17-32) : Anxiety_Stigma dichotomized (0-16 vs 17-32)
* (DERIVED) : Depression_Stigma : Sum (Q30+Q34+Q35+Q36+Q37+Q38+Q39+Q40) : Sum (Q30+Q34+Q35+Q36+Q37+Q38+Q39+Q40)
* (DERIVED) : Depression_Stigma_CAT : Depression_Stigma dichotomized (0-16 vs 17-32) : Depression_Stigma dichotomized (0-16 vs 17-32)
* (DERIVED) : IASMHS_Anxiety : Sum (Psych_Openness+Help_Seeking+Anxiety_Stigma) : Sum (Psych_Openness+Help_Seeking+Anxiety_Stigma)
* (DERIVED) : IASMHS_Depression : Sum (Psych_Openness+Help_Seeking+Depression_Stigma) : Sum (Psych_Openness+Help_Seeking+Depression_Stigma)
* (DERIVED) : Depression_Severity : PHQ9_Score dichotomized (MINIMAL (0 to 4), MILD (5 to 9), MODERATE (10 to 14), MOD_SEV (15 to 19), SEVERE (20 to 27)) : PHQ9_Score dichotomized: MINIMAL = 0 to 4, MILD = 5 to 9, MODERATE = 10 to 14, MOD_SEV = 15 to 19, SEVERE = 20 to 27
* (DERIVED) : Anxiety_Severity : GAD7_Score dichotmized (MINIMAL (0 to 4), MILD (5 to 9), MODERATE (10 to 14), SEVERE (15 to 21)) : GAD7_Score dichotmized: MINIMAL = 0 to 4, MILD = 5 to 9, MODERATE = 10 to 14, SEVERE = 15 to 21
* (DERIVED) : Q104_1_TEXT : Q104 (1) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q104 (1) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q104_2_TEXT : Q104 (2) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q104 (2) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q104_3_TEXT : Q104 (3) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q104 (3) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q104_4_TEXT : Q104 (4) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q104 (4) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q105_1_TEXT : Q105 (1) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q105 (1) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q105_2_TEXT : Q105 (2) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q105 (2) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q105_3_TEXT : Q105 (3) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q105 (3) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q105_4_TEXT : Q105 (4) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q105 (4) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q110_1_TEXT : Q110 (1) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q110 (1) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q110_2_TEXT : Q110 (2) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q110 (2) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q110_3_TEXT : Q110 (3) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q110 (3) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q110_4_TEXT : Q110 (4) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q110 (4) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q111_1_TEXT : Q111 (1) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q111 (1) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q111_2_TEXT : Q111 (2) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q111 (2) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q111_3_TEXT : Q111 (3) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q111 (3) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q111_4_TEXT : Q111 (4) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q111 (4) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), DISAGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : EDUCAT : Q54 relabled (6 = Bachelor, 1= Less Bac) : Derived from Q54 relabled (6 = Bachelor, 1= Less Bac)
* (DERIVED) : Q104_1_TEXT_2 : Q104 (1) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q104 (1) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q104_2_TEXT_2 : Q104 (2) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q104 (2) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q104_3_TEXT_2 : Q104 (3) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q104 (3) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q104_4_TEXT_2 : Q104 (4) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q104 (4) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q105_1_TEXT_2 : Q105 (1) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q105 (1) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q105_2_TEXT_2 : Q105 (2) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q105 (2) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q105_3_TEXT_2 : Q105 (3) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q105 (3) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q105_4_TEXT_2 : Q105 (4) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q105 (4) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q110_1_TEXT_2 : Q110 (1) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q110 (1) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q110_2_TEXT_2 : Q110 (2) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q110 (2) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q110_3_TEXT_2 : Q110 (3) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q110 (3) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q110_4_TEXT_2 : Q110 (4) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q110 (4) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q111_1_TEXT_2 : Q111 (1) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q111 (1) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q111_2_TEXT_2 : Q111 (2) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q111 (2) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q111_3_TEXT_2 : Q111 (3) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q111 (3) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : Q111_4_TEXT_2 : Q111 (4) dichotomized: AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3) : Derived from Q111 (4) : AGREE = Somewhat Agree (4) OR Agree (5), NO_AGREE = Disagree (1) OR Somewhat Disagree (2) OR Undecided (3)
* (DERIVED) : REGION_CAT : : Derived from longitude and latitude; 'Midwest', 'Northeast', 'South', 'West'
- Missing data codes: None
- Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None