Data from: Isochrony in Titi Monkeys duets: Social context as a proximate cause of duets’ rhythm and regularity
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Music and rhythm are typical features of all human cultures, but their biological origins remain unclear. Recent investigations suggest that rhythmic features of human music are shared with animal vocalizations. Moreover, emotions influence human speech and music, similar to what arousal does to the structure of animal sounds. We investigated Coppery titi monkeys' (Plecturocebus cupreus) duet rhythms to assess adherence to rhythmic patterns previously observed only in Old World primates and to deepen our understanding of the proximate causes of non-human primate song rhythm. Titis’ songs were remarkably isochronous, but their tempo depended on the social context: songs sung during territorial confrontations have a slower pace than during early morning singing. Songs had a faster tempo and were less regular when infants were present, suggesting a speed-accuracy tradeoff. Finally, we found that pair-mates perform isochronous songs with the same precision, suggesting that isochrony plays a role in boosting pair coordination, as it does in other singing primates. Our investigation shed light on the ultimate and proximate causes of primates' isochronous rhythm, confirming its presence for the first time in a New World monkey and highlighting the role of social factors in shaping its timing and regularity in the short term.
README: Data from: Isochrony in Titi Monkeys duets: Social context as a proximate cause of duets’ rhythm and regularity
DESCRIPTION OF THE DATA AND FILE STRUCTURE + CODE: "titi_monkeys_isochrony_code.R"
Here, we count the ratios falling in the different on-off integer bins and test the presence of rhythmic categories in the two sexes and in the two contexts of emission.
Dataset: ratio_titi_ALL_check_peaks.csv - Raw data of inter-onset-intervals (tk) and the corresponding rhythmic ratios (rk) on the titis songs sample;
file: name of the duet recording
file_id: name of the TextGrid file for each individual contribution
group: code for each titi pair
date: date of the song audio recording
context: social context in which the duet was emitted
id_ind: the name of the individual singing
sex: male/female; the sex of the individual singing
baby: yes /no; presence or absence of a newborn in the group
label: the label annotating the kind of temporal interval: v -> vocalized inrtervals; u -> silent
duration: duration of the temporal interval (end-start)
start: the start (seconds) of the temporal interval
tk: inter-onset-intervals duraions
n: progressive number to track the order of intervals
rk: rhythmic ratios deriving from two successive tks (tk / (tk+tk+1))
4) REGULARITY RATE (line 317)
Here we investigate rhythmic regularity in titi monkeys contribution.
Dataset: titi_all_for_RATE.csv
file_id: name of the duet recording
id_ind: name of the TextGrid file for each individual contribution
group: code for each titi pair
sex: male/female; the sex of the individual singing
context: social context in which the duet was emitted
baby: yes /no; presence or absence of a newborn in the group
OFF11: number of ratios falling off integer
ON11: number of ratio falling on integer
rate2: the ratio between the count of on-integer observation and on- plus off-integer observations of the individual contribution (id_ind)
5) Tk variation (line 449)
Here we investigate the distribution of tk's duration.
Dataset: ratio_titi_ALL_TK.csv
order: numbers for ordering dataset raw
file: name of the duet recording
file_id: name of the TextGrid file for each individual contribution
group: code for each titi pair
date: date of the song audio recording
context: social context in which the duet was emitted
id_ind: the name of the individual singing
sex: male/female; the sex of the individual singing
baby: yes /no; presence or absence of a newborn in the group
label: the label annotating the kind of temporal interval. In this case: v -> vocalized inervals
duration: duration of the temporal interval "v" (end-start)
start: the start (seconds) of the temporal interval
tk: inter-onset-intervals duraions
n: progressive number to track the order of intervals
rk: rhythmic ratios deriving from two successive tks (tk / (tk+tk+1))
6) silent gap duration (line 528)
Here we investigate the distribution of the silent gap between notes.
Dataset: ratio_titi_ALL_GAP_DUR.csv
order: numbers for ordering dataset raw
file: name of the duet recording
file_id: name of the TextGrid file for each individual contribution
group: code for each titi pair
date: date of the song audio recording
context: social context in which the duet was emitted
id_ind: the name of the individual singing
sex: male/female; the sex of the individual singing
baby: yes /no; presence or absence of a newborn in the group
label: the label annotating the kind of temporal interval: v -> vocalized inrtervals; u -> silent
duration: duration of the temporal interval "v" (end-start)
start: the start (seconds) of the temporal interval
7) testing the relationship between tk and ratio (line 654)
Here we investigate the relationship between of the tk and regularity of contribution
the dataset used are the same for tk analyses and regularity ration analyses.
- the duet recordings are .wav raw files containing the sound of duet given by titi monkeys pairs. These raw files are uploaded as supplementary materials.
- the TextGrid files are .Textgrid files containing information on the starting points of different notes, created with the "annotate" function through the software Praat, which once created were renamed with a name containing organized information on singers identity and context of emission. From these files are extracted the durations that are in the excel files.
The file "Isochrony_titi_monkey_CODE_r1.r" is an annotated R script containing:
- Line 5 - the rk count for the rhythmic peaks
- Line 120 - the testing of the peaks for the two sexes
- Line 226 - the testing of the peaks for the contexts
- Line 317 - the testing of the regularity rate
- Line 448 - the testing of tempo variation
- Line 528 - the analysis of silent gap duration