Data from: Metabolomic profiles of acute and chronic ambient hydrogen sulfide exposure in a mouse model
Data files
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Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an environmental toxicant of health concern following acute or chronic human exposures. Male 6-8 week-old C57BL/6J mice were exposed by whole-body inhalation to 1000 ppm H2S for 45 min and euthanized at 5 min and 72 h for acute exposure. For subchronic study, mice were exposed to 5 ppm H2S 2 h/day, 5 days/week for 5 weeks. The brainstem was removed for metabolomic analysis. The metabolomics analyses consisted of three assays, (1) primary metabolism by GC-TOF MS, (2) biogenic amines (hydrophilic compounds) by HILIC-MS/MS and (3) lipidomics by RPLC-MS/MS. Metabolomics were performed in West Coast Metabolomics Center, University of California at Davis, CA, USA. 348, 311, and 565 known metabolites were detected and analyzed by primary metabolism, biogenic amines, and lipidomic metabolomics assays. 33, 19, and 46 metabolites were increased at 5 min and 72 h post acute H2S exposures and subchronic ambient H2S exposures, respectively, compared to room air control group. 22, 17, and 32 metabolites were decreased at 5 min and 72 h post acute H2S exposures and subchronic ambient H2S exposures, respectively, compared to room air control group. Acute H2S exposure decreased excitatory neurotransmitters aspartate and glutamate concentrations while the inhibitory neurotransmitter serotonin was increased. Glutamate and serotonin were also decreased after ambient H2S exposure. Branched-chain amino acids, fructose, and glucose were increased by acute H2S exposure. In ambient H2S exposure, glucose was decreased while MUFAs, PUFAs, inosine, and hypoxanthine were increased. Collectively, these results provide important mechanistic clues of acute and subchronic ambient H2S poisonings and show that H2S alters neurotransmission homeostasis.
README: Metabolomic profiles of acute and chronic ambient hydrogen sulfide exposure in a mouse model
# General information
## This README file was generated on 20204-01-04 by Dongsuk Kim.
## Author Information
A. Principal Investigator Contact Information
Name: Wilson Rumbeiha
Institution: University of California at Davis
B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information
Name: Dongsuk Kim
Institution: University of California at Davis
# Dataset contents:
This data set contains 3 normalized metabolomics data in brainstem following acute and subchronic hydrogen sulfide exposures.
1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
2. Links to publications that cite or use the data:
Dong-Suk Kim, Cristina MS Maldonado, Cecilia Giulivi, and Wilson K Rumbeiha (2024). Metabolomic signatures of brainstem in mice following acute and chronic hydrogen sulfide exposure.
3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None
4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None
5. Was data derived from another source? No
6. Recommended citation for this dataset:
Dong-Suk Kim, Cristina MS Maldonado, Cecilia Giulivi, and Wilson K Rumbeiha (2024). Data from: Metabolomic signatures of brainstem in mice following acute and chronic hydrogen sulfide exposure. Dryad Digital Repository.
# Experimental procedures:
## Exposure paradigm
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an environmental toxicant of health concern following acute or chronic human exposures. Male 6-8 week-old C57BL/6J mice were exposed by whole-body inhalation to 1000 ppm H2S for 45 min and euthanized at 5 min and 72 h for acute exposure. For subchronic study, mice were exposed to 5 ppm H2S 2 h/day, 5 days/week for 5 weeks. The brainstem was removed for metabolomic analysis.
## Metabolomics analysis
The metabolomics analyses consisted of three assays, (1) primary metabolism by GC-TOF MS, (2) biogenic amines (hydrophilic compounds) by HILIC-MS/MS and (3) lipidomics by RPLC-MS/MS. Metabolomics were performed in West Coast Metabolomics Center, University of California at Davis, CA, USA.
# Results:
348, 311, and 565 known metabolites were detected and analyzed by primary metabolism, biogenic amines, and lipidomic metabolomics assays. 33, 19, and 46 metabolites were increased at 5 min and 72 h post acute H2S exposures and subchronic ambient H2S exposures, respectively, compared to room air control group. 22, 17, and 32 metabolites were decreased at 5 min and 72 h post acute H2S exposures and subchronic ambient H2S exposures, respectively, compared to room air control group. Acute H2S exposure decreased excitatory neurotransmitters aspartate and glutamate concentrations while the inhibitory neurotransmitter serotonin was increased. Glutamate and serotonin were also decreased after ambient H2S exposure. Branched-chain amino acids, fructose, and glucose were increased by acute H2S exposure. In ambient H2S exposure, glucose was decreased while MUFAs, PUFAs, inosine, and hypoxanthine were increased. Collectively, these results provide im-portant mechanistic clues of acute and subchronic ambient H2S poisonings and show that H2S alters neurotransmission homeostasis.
# Description of the data and file structure
1 PA data.txt contains normalized biogenic amines metabolomics data by biogenic amines assays.
2 PM data.txt contains normalized primary metabolisom metabolomics data by biogenic amines assays.
3 Lipid data.txt contains normalized lipidomic metabolomics data by biogenic amines assays.
1. number of headers: 36
2. number of data (Identified metabolites):309
3. Header list:
identifier: Index number of identified metabolite
Metabolite name: Common name of identified metabolite
Species: Chemical ionization mode
InChiKey: International Chemical Identifier
MSI level: Metabolomics Standards Initiative
m/z: Mass-to-charge ratio
RT: Retention time (minutes)
A - 1: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 1
A - 2: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 2
A - 3: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 3
A - 4: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 4
A - 5: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 5
B - 1: Peak height of 5 min post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 1
B - 2: Peak height of 5 min post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 2
B - 3: Peak height of 5 min post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 3
B - 4: Peak height of 5 min post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 4
C - 1: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 1
C - 2: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 2
C - 3: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 3
C - 4: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 4
C - 5: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 5
D - 1: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 5 ppm H2S exposure - 1
D - 2: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 5 ppm H2S exposure - 2
D - 3: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 5 ppm H2S exposure - 3
D - 4: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 5 ppm H2S exposure - 4
E - 1: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 1
E - 2: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 2
E - 3: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 3
E - 4: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 4
E - 5: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 4
MtdBlank001: Peak height of Blank - 1
MtdBlank002: Peak height of Blank - 2
MtdBlank003: Peak height of Blank - 3
PoolQC001: Peak height of Pooled quality control 1
PoolQC002: Peak height of Pooled quality control 2
PoolQC003: Peak height of Pooled quality control 3
4. Abbreviation:
na: Non-identified Inchikey
1. number of headers: 32
2. number of data (Identified metabolites): 126
3. Header list:
Metabolite name: Name of identified metabolite
ret.index: Retention time (minutes)
quant mz: Mass-to-charge ratio
mass spec: Mass spectra
PubChem: ID of PubChem for the specific metabolite
KEGG: ID of Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
InChI Key: International Chemical Identifier
A - 1: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 1
A - 2: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 2
A - 3: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 3
A - 4: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 4
A - 5: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 5
B - 1: Peak height of 5 min post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 1
B - 2: Peak height of 5 min post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 2
B - 3: Peak height of 5 min post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 3
B - 4: Peak height of 5 min post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 4
C - 1: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 1
C - 2: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 2
C - 3: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 3
C - 4: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 4
C - 5: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 5
D - 1: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 5 ppm H2S exposure - 1
D - 2: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 5 ppm H2S exposure - 2
D - 3: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 5 ppm H2S exposure - 3
D - 4: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 5 ppm H2S exposure - 4
E - 1: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 1
E - 2: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 2
E - 3: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 3
E - 4: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 4
E - 5: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 4
pool_001: Peak height of Pooled quality control 1
pool_002: Peak height of Pooled quality control 2
4. Abbreviation:
na: Non-identified Pubchem or KEGG ID
1. number of headers: 38
2. number of data (Identified metabolites): 565
3. Header list:
identifier: ID of identified metabolite
name: Name of identified metabolite
ion species: Ion species
InChiKey: International Chemical Identifier
m/z: Mass-to-charge ratio
ESI mode: ESI mode
ret.time: Retention time (minutes)
A - 1: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 1
A - 2: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 2
A - 3: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 3
A - 4: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 4
A - 5: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 5
B - 1: Peak height of 5 min post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 1
B - 2: Peak height of 5 min post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 2
B - 3: Peak height of 5 min post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 3
B - 4: Peak height of 5 min post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 4
C - 1: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 1
C - 2: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 2
C - 3: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 3
C - 4: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 4
C - 5: Peak height of 72 h post 1000 ppm H2S exposure - 5
D - 1: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 5 ppm H2S exposure - 1
D - 2: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 5 ppm H2S exposure - 2
D - 3: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 5 ppm H2S exposure - 3
D - 4: Peak height of Room air normal control group for 5 ppm H2S exposure - 4
E - 1: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 1
E - 2: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 2
E - 3: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 3
E - 4: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 4
E - 5: Peak height of 5 ppm H2S exposure - 4
PoolQC001: Peak height of Pooled quality control 1
PoolQC002: Peak height of Pooled quality control 2
PoolQC003: Peak height of Pooled quality control 3
PoolQC004: Peak height of Pooled quality control 4
MtdBlank001: Peak height of Blank - 1
MtdBlank002: Peak height of Blank - 2
MtdBlank003: Peak height of Blank - 3
MtdBlank004: Peak height of Blank - 4
Missing data code: na
Exposure paradigm
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an environmental toxicant of health concern following acute or chronic human exposures. Male 6-8 week-old C57BL/6J mice were exposed by whole-body inhalation to 1000 ppm H2S for 45 min and euthanized at 5 min and 72 h for acute exposure. For subchronic study, mice were exposed to 5 ppm H2S 2 h/day, 5 days/week for 5 weeks. The brainstem was removed for metabolomic analysis.
Metabolomics analysis
The metabolomics analyses consisted of three assays, (1) primary metabolism by GC-TOF MS, (2) biogenic amines (hydrophilic compounds) by HILIC-MS/MS and (3) lipidomics by RPLC-MS/MS. Metabolomics were performed in West Coast Metabolomics Center (WCMC), University of California at Davis, CA, USA. Raw data were normalized by the standard normalization in WCMC.