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Global 100m Terrestrial Human Footprint (HFP-100)

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Nov 01, 2023 version files 110.87 GB

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Maps depicting the intensity of human pressure on the environment have become a critical tool for spatial planning and management, monitoring the extent of human influence across Earth, and identifying critical remaining intact habitat. Yet, these maps are often years out of date by the time they are available to scientists and policy-makers. Here we provide an updated Human Footprint methodology to run on an annual basis to monitor changing anthropogenic pressures. Software and methods are parameterized to enable regular updates in the future. In addition, we release a 100-meter global dataset for the years 2015–2019 and 2020 based on land use, population, infrastructure, and accessibility data. Results show high levels of agreement in validation against expert-interpreted satellite imagery and improved performance compared to previous iterations of similar datasets. These maps are directly relevant to measuring progress towards national and international targets related to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.