Demonstrating relationships between sexual selection mechanisms and trait evolution is central to testing evolutionary theory. Using zebrafish, we found that wild-type males possessed a significant advantage in mate competition over transgenic RFP Glofish™ males. In mating trials, wild-type males were aggressively superior to transgenic males in male-male chases and male-female chases; as a result, wild-type males sired 2.5x as many young as did transgenic males. In contrast, an earlier study demonstrated that female zebrafish preferred transgenic males as mates when mate competition was excluded experimentally. We tested the evolutionary consequence of this conflict between sexual selection mechanisms in a long-term study. The predicted loss of the transgenic phenotype was confirmed. More than 18,500 adults collected from 18 populations across 15 generations revealed that the frequency of the transgenic phenotype declined rapidly and was eliminated entirely in all but one population. Fitness component data for both sexes indicated that only male mating success differed between wild-type and transgenic individuals. Our predictive demographic model based on fitness components closely matched the rate of transgenic phenotype loss observed in the long-term study, thereby supporting its utility for studies assessing evolutionary outcomes of escaped or released genetically modified animals.
fry for sas analysis
These data provide the information on the number of fry of each genotype collected each day from each aquarium. Group is referred to as aquarium in the paper; number of fry refers to how many fry of each type were collected; pctredsires is the %red male category of which there are five types (25%, 33$, 50%, 66%, and 75%; frytype is either red or wild-type; collection refers to the number of days that data were collected for each group
long-term zebrafish study
These data provide the information on tankno, generation, numred, numwt, pctredmorph, and simulationredpct. Tankno provides information on each of the 18 tanks; generation for each of the 18 tanks varies from 1 to a maximum of 15; how the generations were collected is explained in the paper as no overlapping generations were permitted, numred is the number of red adults counted at the end of each generation; numwt is the number of wild-type adults counted at the end of each generation; pctredmorph is calculated as: (numred/ numred + numwt) * 100; simulationredpct is the predicted percent red individuals by the demographic model described in the paper.
malemale chases for sas
These data provide the information on the number of male directed chases toward another male and indicate if the male chasing was red or wild type, and if the male being chased was red or wild type. Data are given for group, %red male category, number of chases, collection, type of chase, and chases per male. Group is referred to as aquarium in the paper; pctred is the %red male category of which there are five types (25%, 33$, 50%, 66%, and 75%; number of chases observed is how many chases were observed during the 10 min observation period each day; collection refers to the number of days that data were collected for each group; Chasetype: 1 = wild-type male chasing a red male, 2 = a red male chasing a wild-type male; chasepermale divides the numbchases by how many males of each type were in the aquarium to allow for comparison of different %red male categories.
malefemale chases for sas
Data file: Malefemale chases:
These data provide the information on the number of male directed chases toward females and indicate if the male chasing was red or wild type. Data are given for collection, type of chase, number of chases, group, %red male category, chases per male, and chase type. Collection refers to the number of days that data were collected for each group, type of chase: either red male or wild-type male chasing a female, number of chases observed is how many chases were observed during the 10 min observation period each day; group is referred to as aquarium in the paper; pctred is the %red male category of which there are five types (25%, 33$, 50%, 66%, and 75%. Chasespermale divides the numbchases by how many males were in the aquarium to allow for comparison of different %red male categories. Chasetype codes typechase numerically (1 = wild-type male chasing female; 2 = red male chasing female).