Active shape programming drives Drosophila wing disc eversion
Data files
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How complex 3D tissue shape emerges during animal development remains an important open question in biology and biophysics. In this work, we study eversion of the Drosophila wing disc pouch, a 3D morphogenesis step when the epithelium transforms from a radially symmetric dome into a curved fold shape via an unknown mechanism. To explain this morphogenesis, we take inspiration from inanimate ”shape-programmable” materials, which are capable of undergoing blueprinted 3D shape transformations arising from in-plane gradients of spontaneous strains. Here, we show that active, in-plane cellular behaviors can similarly create spontaneous strains that drive 3D tissue shape change and that the wing disc pouch is shaped in this way. We map cellular behaviors in the wing disc pouch by developing a method for quantifying spatial patterns of cell behaviors on arbitrary 3D tissue surfaces using cellular topology. We use a physical shape-programmability model to show that spontaneous strains arising from measured active cell behaviors create the tissue shape changes observed during eversion. We validate our findings using a knockdown of the mechanosensitive molecular motor MyoVI, which we find to reduce active cell rearrangements and disrupt wing pouch eversion. This work shows that shape programming is a mechanism for animal tissue morphogenesis and suggests that there exist intricate patterns in nature that could present novel designs for shape-programmable materials.
README: Active shape programming drives Drosophila wing disc eversion
This dataset contains measurements of tissue and cell shape during Drosophila wing disc eversion, imaged using light sheet microscopy.
Description of the data and file structure
The CellProperties.csv data table contains cell shape properties from an area-weighted average of subcellular triangles for each cell. All segmented cells of different developmental stages are included (96hAEL, 120hAEL, wL3, 0hAPF, 2hAPF, 4hAPF, 6hAPF).
Measured quantities:
'cell_id' : unique cell ID for the segmented image
'devstage': developmental stage
'center_x', 'center_y', 'center_z': center position of each cell
'area': cell area in um^2
'normal_x', 'normal_y', 'normal_z': averaged normal vector of each cell
'neighbour_number': number of neighbours/ polygon class
'elongation_tensor_norm_max': magnitude of cell elongation
'mean_curvature', 'gaussian_curvature': curvature averaged for each cell
'k_fromDV': topological distance from the DV-boundary
'k_OUT': topological distance from the fold region. For the DV-Boundary, views at pupal stages (disc names end with '_2' or '_4'), this measure is not applicable and returns a 'NULL' value
'k': topological distance from the tissue center
'k_dist_pathlength': pathlength along k in um
'Qrr', 'Qphiphi', 'Qrphi': cell elongation tensor rr, rphi, phiphi relative to the tissue center.
'roi': region of interest (dorsal, ventral, DV = DVB)
'disc': unique wing disc identifier, containing the acquisition date, genotype, developmental stage, number, and angle (_1,_2,_3,_4) each 90degrees
'genotype': genotype
'discName': wing disc classified by roi (DV = DVB and outDVB)The TissueShape.csv data table contains the apical shape and curvature measurements in across-DVB and along-DVB directions from multi-angle reconstructed images of each wing disc.
'disc': unique wing disc identifier, containing the acquisition date, genotype, developmental stage, and number
'arclength': path length in um from the midpoint along the interpolated curve
'devstage': developmental stage
'genotype': genotype
'curvature': curvature in um^-1 along the arc
'x', 'y': position of the interpolated curve
'region': across-DVB or along-DVB direction
Drosophila wing discs of various stages starting from late larval through 6hr after puparium formation were dissected and imaged live in low melting agarose using multi-angle light sheet microscopy. Tissue shape was manually extracted in 2 orthogonal cross-sections (along and across dorsal-ventral boundary), and its shape and calculated curvature are included here. Apical cell cross-sections were segmented in individual views, and the 3d position was recorded from the full 3d image stack. The CellProperties file includes information about cell size, shape, and position, measured using an updated 3d version of the software TissueMiner.