Data from: Artificial light at night and warming impact grazing rates and gonad index of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii
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Mar 14, 2024 version files 6.72 MB
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Artificial light at night (ALAN) is a growing threat to coastal habitats, and is likely to exacerbate the impacts of other stressors. Kelp forests are dominant habitats on temperate reefs but are declining due to ocean warming and overgrazing. We tested the independent and interactive effects of ALAN (dark vs ALAN) and warming (ambient vs warm) on grazing rates and gonad index of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii. Within these treatments, urchins were fed either ‘fresh’ kelp or ‘treated’ kelp. Treated kelp (Ecklonia radiata) was exposed to the same light and temperature combinations as urchins. We assessed photosynthetic yield, carbon and nitrogen content and C:N ratio of treated kelp to help identify potential drivers behind any effects on urchins. Grazing increased with warming and ALAN for urchins fed fresh kelp, and increased with warming for urchins fed treated kelp. Gonad index was higher in ALAN/ambient and dark/warm treatments compared to dark/ambient treatments for urchins fed fresh kelp. Kelp carbon content was higher in ALAN/ambient treatments than ALAN/warm treatments at one time point. This indicates ocean warming and ALAN may increase urchin grazing pressure on rocky reefs, an important finding for management strategies.
README: Data from: Artificial light at night and warming impact grazing rates and gonad index of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii
This README file was generated on 13-03-24 by Amelia Caley
This project is for the manuscript "Artificial light at night and warming impact grazing rates and gonad index of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii" from an experiment conducted in June - August 2022 in Sydney, Australia, testing the combined effects of Artificial Light at Night (ALAN, 50 lux) and warming (+ 2 degrees C) on urchin grazing rates and gonad index, kelp photosynthetic yield and C and N content, and on trophic interactions between urchins and kelp. The file called "Urchins ALAN Final" is the original dataset created during the experiment. This file can be imported for use with the original code, or the cleaned, long format dataset (created within this code) can be used. Photosynthetic yield, urchin gonad index and urchin grazing rates are visualised and modelled in the Urchin ALAN Analysis code, while other kelp variables (C:N ratio, C content and N content) are visualised and modelled in the kelp code. This code was written by Amelia Caley, UNSW.
1. Title of Dataset: Artificial light at night and warming impact grazing rates and gonad index of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii
2. Author Information:
Amelia Caley1*, Ezequiel M. Marzinelli2, Maria Byrne2, Mariana Mayer-Pinto1
1Centre for Marine Science and Innovation; Evolution & Ecology Research Centre; School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Science, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
2The University of Sydney, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
3. Date of data collection (single date, range, approximate date): June - August 2022
4. Geographic location of data collection: Chowder Bay, Sydney, Australia
5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This work was supported by an ARC Discovery Early Career Award awarded to Mayer-Pinto [DE220100308] as well as the Australian Academy of Science, Thomas Davies Research Grant for Marine, Soil and Plant Biology awarded to Mayer-Pinto in 2022.
1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain
2. Links to publications that cite or use the data:
Caley, A., Marzinelli, E.M., Byrne, M. & Mayer-Pinto, M. (2024). Artificial light at night and warming impact grazing rates and gonad index of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
3. Links to other publicly accessible locations of the data: None
4. Links/relationships to ancillary data sets: None
5. Was data derived from another source? No
A. If yes, list source(s): NA
6. Recommended citation for this dataset:
Caley, A., Marzinelli, E.M., Byrne, M. and Mayer-Pinto, M., 2024. Artificial light at night and warming impact grazing rates and gonad index of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii [Dataset]. Dryad.
1. File List:
A) Urchin_ALAN_Analysis_100124.Rmd
B) Hobo logger data files (individual files saved with serial code)
C) Urchin_ALAN_Long_Format.csv
D) Urchin_ALAN_Experiment_Data_Final_Urchins.csv
E) Kelp_Data_Final.csv
F) KelpCandN_030423.csv
2. Relationship between files, if important: None
3. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: None
4. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No
A. If yes, name of file(s) that was updated: NA
i. Why was the file updated? NA
ii. When was the file updated? NA
Variable names
Urchin_ALAN_Long_Format.csv is the cleaned long version of Urchin_ALAN_Experiment_Data_Final_Urchins.csv (which was included for transparency alongside the clean data file)
Therefore I will describe the variables as in Urchin_ALAN_Long_Format.csv
Tank = Tank where urchin was located
Species = Species in tank (all Centrostephanus rodgersii)
ALAN = light treatment, 0 lux (dark) or ALAN (50 lux)
Temp = temperature treatment, warm (+1 degree) or ambient (ambient temperature)
Kelp = kelp treatment, either normal (kelp fed to urchin was untreated) or treated (kelp fed to urchin was treated with the same light and temperature treatment as the urchin)
Hobo.logger = serial number of hobo logger used in tank, so temperature data for tanks could be calulated
Total.Weight = total weight of urchins, in grams, measured at end of experiment
Test.diameter = test diameter of urchins in mm, measured at end of experiment
Gonad weight = wet gonad weight in grams, measured at end of experiment
Gonad index = Gonad weight/Total weight * 100 (i.e. gonad weight as a percentage of total weight), measured at end of experiment
Treatment = ALAN column + Temp column
Week = measurement week
Consumption = grams of kelp consumed in 24 hours by that urchin in that week
Group = urchin treatments and measures were staggered by 1 day. Group 1 always measured first, group 2 always measured the second (in each week).
TempLight = same as treatment column.
Variables in Kelp_data_final
Tank = tank ID with kelps
Species = species (all Ecklonia radiata)
Light = light treatment, 0 lux (dark) or ALAN (50 lux)
Temp = temperature treatment, warm (+1 degree) or ambient (ambient temperature)
Logger Serial number = serial number of hobo logger used in tank, so temperature data for tanks could be calulated
Week = measurement week
Kelp = kelp collection group (kelp collected 3 times in experiment)
Yield = photosynthetic yield measured with PAM fluorometer
Bleaching = visual assessment of bleaching percent.
Variables in KelpCandN_030423.csv
This is the output from CHNS Mass spectrometer analysis at Macquarie University. I have highlighted the fields used in this analysis.
No. = sample position in mass spectrometer
Weight [mg] = weight of sample in mg
Name = name of sample, either a sample standard, blank or kelp sample. Kelp samples are labelled with kelp tank (i.e. K1 - K8) and week (i.e. w1-w9).
Method = method used
N Area = Nitrogen area
C Area = Carbon area
H Area = Hydrogen area
S Area = Sulfur area
N [%] = % nitrogen content (used in analysis)
C [%] = % carbon content (used in analysis)
H [%] = % Hydrogen content
S [%] = % sulfur content
C/N ratio = ratio of carbon to nitrogen (used in analysis)
C/H ratio = ratio of Carbon to Hydrogen
N Factor = Nitrogen factor
C Factor = Carbon factor
H Factor = Hydrogen factor
S Factor = Sulfur Factor
N Blank = Nitrogen Blank
C Blank = Carbon Blank
H Blank = Hydrogen Blank
S Blank = Sulfur blank
Note for KelpCandN_030423.csv data:
The first 13 rows are just quality controls, blanks and calibration.
Every 8 samples I also ran quality controls (QCs) and blanks (RunIns)
For all your data, we have already corrected the numbers by removing the “blank levels”. So basically no need to subtract the blanks anymore
Hobo Logger data: Data with serial codes. Matches to Hobo logger serial codes for urchin and kelp data sheets.
There are a total of 49 hobo logger files. 39 were spread across urchin tanks and 8 were in the 8 kelp tanks, and 2 were running in the air outside the tanks as spares. They measured temperature every 30 minutes for the entire experiment. This data can be found in the supplementary data files for this publication.
Plot title = Hobo logger serial number
Date Time, GMT+10:00 = date and time
Temp, °C = temperature measured every 30 minutes
Intensity, Lux = light intensity lux (however measurements were not accurate compared to hand held lux meter)
Coupler Attached = says "logged" when coupler attached to hobo logger
Host Connected = says "logged" when computer connected to hobo logger
Stopped = says "logged" when hobo logger stopped (connected to computer)
End Of File = says "logged" at end of file
4. Missing data codes: NA (not applicable)
5. Specialized formats or other abbreviations used: None
Please refer to the manuscript for more information.