Pre-fertilisation gamete thermal environment influences reproductive success, unmasking opposing sex-specific responses in Atlantic Salmon
Data files
Aug 07, 2023 version files 4.03 MB
Nov 15, 2023 version files 4.03 MB
The environment gametes perform in just before fertilisation is increasingly recognised to affect offspring fitness, yet the contributions of male and female gametes and their adaptive significance remain largely unexplored. Here, we investigated gametic thermal plasticity and its effects on hatching success and embryo performance in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Eggs and sperm were incubated overnight at 2°C or 8°C, temperatures within the optimal thermal range of this species. Crosses between warm- and cold-incubated gametes were compared using a fully-factorial design, with half of each clutch reared in cold temperatures and the other in warm temperatures. This allowed disentangling single-sex interaction effects when pre-fertilisation temperature of gametes mismatched embryonic conditions. Pre-fertilisation temperature influenced the age at hatch, and matching sperm and embryo temperatures resulted in earlier hatching. Warm incubation benefited eggs but harmed sperm, reducing the hatching success and, overall, gametic thermal plasticity did not enhance offspring fitness, indicating vulnerability to thermal changes. We highlight the sensitivity of male gametes to higher temperatures, and that gamete acclimation may not effectively buffer against deleterious effects of thermal fluctuations. From an applied angle, we propose the differential storage of male and female gametes as a tool to enhance sustainability within the hatcheries.
README: Data set associated to the research article 'Pre-fertilisation gamete thermal environment influences offspring fitness, unmasking opposing sex-specific responses in Atlantic Salmon
#All the material has been deposited on the DRYAD repository for replicability, transparency and for future research purposes.
#List of necessary files:
#files containing the collected parameters and variables used in the models. Data are repeated among Thermal_switch_R_NEWtime01.xlsx, Thermal_switch_R_single_MAY.xlsx, Thermalsingle.xlsx
Thermalsingle1.xlsx and Thermalsinglefin.xlsx, however they are re-arranged differently for specific graphical or output purposes. The file Thermalfrypertotmean_1.xlsx is an output file where specific variables have been summarised for graph input and base stats.
R_script_Gamete_responses_Grazianoetal.txt #(R-script to run all the analyses by using the above mentioned datasets
R_script_Gamete_responses_Grazianoetal_revised.txt #(R-script to run all the analyses by using the above mentioned datasets (after revisions_graphs updated).
Glossary of variables:
TRAY: Tray number in which each sub replicated groups belonging to a specific Family were raised.
TREATMENT: Temperature treatment of 2 C or 8 C to which either eggs, sperm or embryos were exposed (e.g. WWW means that both egg prefertilisation temperature, sperm prefertilisation temperature and embryo developmental temperature were set to 8 C.
TOTFRY: Total amount of fry hatched
FRYD: number of fry per day
EGGCOUNT: number of starting egg number
MALE: unique #ID for male
FEMALE: unique #ID for female
TPFtimepoint: reference timepoints every 12 hrs
FAMILY: Unique Family #ID
EGG: temperature treatment for eggs
SPERM: temperature treatment for sperm
DEV: temperature treatment for embryonic development
FRYPOP: Proportion of fry hatched per day
FRYPERTOT: Proportion of fry hatched in total
TPF: Time post-fertilisation in days
Csum: cumulative sum
DEVELOPMENTALT: developmental temperature (warm or cold)
MALFNOEYE: number of malformed embryos
DEADONHATCH: number of embryos dead on hatch
EYEDDEAD: number of embryos dead after reaching the eyed stage
MALFNOEYEPROP: proportion of malformed embryos
EYEDDEADPROP:proportion of embryo dead after reaching the eyed stage
DEADONHATCHPROP: proportion of embryo dead after reaching the eyed stage
FRYTOTPROP: proportion of eggs that successfully hatched
DDAY: time port-fertilisation expressed in degree days